Thank you!*

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Hey y'all, I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to read this beautiful story I created and I hope y'all enjoyed getting to live within Blair and Hayden's love story with me!

I had wrote this a long time ago and the first draft was absolutely horrendous lol, so I took it down and rewrote the whole book because I felt like there was a much better way to describe their love. And so I'm proud of myself for taking the first book I ever wrote and turning it into this!

And I hope if y'all liked it, you would share it to get it out there more!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank youu! I love you all - darkblue147

You all clearly know that I love writing book that will rip your heart out so keep an eyes out for my new book 'Remedy' in the near future!

———————————-You all clearly know that I love writing book that will rip your heart out so keep an eyes out for my new book 'Remedy' in the near future!

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Quinn Sallow had started to numb herself from a young age. She felt that it was the only way to escape the life she lived within, and for the longest time she thought substances were the only answer.

That is until she met Remy Wilson, who was the very opposite of her. He was put together, enjoyed the life he lived, was going to college to become a psychologist, and he had big dreams that she could hardly imagine having.

But they became friends. Over the years Remy slowly showed her that there were other answers than to just abuse substances that would only ruin you in the end. And she believed him.

Well that was until he betrayed her.

Now four years later Quinn is worse than she ever was. She has absolutely no hopes or dreams, and the only reason she gets through her day to day life is to fulfill the need that's still within her.

She feels content with the life she has. She knows that it's never going to get any better, and she especially knows that she doesn't deserve it to. She made her bed and now she happily lies in it, even as it slowly kills her. But then one day he shows back up.

He comes into her life just like he did years ago, but now the love she built for him turned into anger. Although, the need to help Quinn is still in Remy, so he starts to help her and he starts to be there for her again, and things start to oddly feel comforting. Like they did before.

But as time goes on will he help her realize there's other reasons to live? Will he help her realize there's other remedy's?

Is he the remedy?


Thank you all so very much!

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