Chapter 16*

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Hayden's POV

"I think I'm in love."

My eyes narrow at the inside of my locker as I stop my movements then look over to Lucas who's staring out the school doors like they have all the answers in the world.

", love?" I question with furrowed brows.

He rolls his eyes. "Yes moron. I think I'm in love with Maya." He nods to himself but then he sighs. "Except I don't know how to tell her. What if it's to soon?"

I purse my lips. "I mean it's been like...two months since y'all started dating. That's not that bad...I think. I'm not sure, I've never told anyone I'm in love with them."

"It is bad." He sighs. "But I've known her almost our whole lives you can basically say I've been slowly falling in love with her my whole life." Eh, not this.

"Please stop." I plead. "You sound like you're talking straight out of one of those sickening, lovey dovey movies."

Luke looks at me with a glare. "And you sound like you've been around my sister to much."

My lips quirk up because that does sound like something she would say. Although the disgust in her voice when you bring up something that icks her out, is much more noticeable.


I've been trying to get what happened last Friday out of my head. I feel bad, and I know I shouldn't and I know it's wrong but I do. Lately things with her have been feeling like somethings shifting between the two of us and I don't know how to take it.

I mean, me and Kaitlyn are this close to becoming something more, and my best friends sister has been the only thing on my mind. My hands should want to run through blond hair, not brown. I should want to look into blue eyes, not green. I should want to feel pale skin against mine, not tan and soft skin I've wanted to run my palms across more times than I can count lately.

Fuck. I need to get over this...thing.

"I haven't." I sigh. I have actually.

"Come on!" I hear Emma's voice penetrate my ears, and I look over to see Emma, Maya, and...oh speak of the she-devil. Except her smile is incredibly angelic.

Blair rolls her eyes. "I said no Emma. End of discussion." She shoots Emma a warning gaze with narrowed eyes.

"But it'll be fun. You need fun in your life. I'm starting to see glimpses of my old lady future when I look at you and that's not good." Emma frowns.

Rivera looks like she's thinking for a moment then she shakes her her just as they all approach. "Crowds full of sweaty and gross people, a band I have no idea about, and a night where I have to stay up past twelve?...I'll pass."

"Fine. I'm leaving you in your isolation from now on," Emma threatens before turning to Maya. "Do you want to go to a sugar and skulls concert?"

Maya smiles at this. "Of course I do. I love them." Then she walks over to Luke where she kisses him on the cheek.

"Good. I was going to get tickets for all of us but someone- and I'm not pointing out names," Emma starts as she nods towards Blair. "Doesn't want to go because they're to good for those types of events apparently."

"I'm glad you caught on to that." Rivera grins and Em glares.

"Hayden, Luke, y'all in?" Emma raises a brow with the question.

A moment passes then Luke nods. "Yeah I'm down."

I try to think about the band their going on about but I come up blank and I scratch the side of my head. "What the hell is Sugar and skulls?"

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