Chapter 29*

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Blair's POV

"Get up." Emma's voice rings through my room.

"No." I say from under my blanket while I continue to lay there in the dark. "Now get out, I'm busy."

"B, you've been in bed for like five days straight. Your muscles are probably starting to deteriorate at this point." Maya tells me, and I can hear the sigh heavy in her tone.

"No I have not." I scoff before I look at the date on my phone and my eyes widen for a moment before I turn off the light, and get back to the darkness of under the blanket. "So what if I have? With all good reasons."

Someone lets out a frustrated noise. "I know what happened with Hayden was sucky but laying in bed all day isn't going to make it any better. Plus its New Year's Eve, we need to get ready for the party."

"I'm pregnant, I can't party. I'll just be up here while y'all wait for the ball to drop, don't worry." I assure them.

"I'll get you like apple cider or something, it'll look like champagne. It's going to look suspicious if you don't drink." Maya informs me with a pointed sound.

"What am I an alcoholic?" I roll my eyes while I slightly stretch some of my muscles under the blanket, and my face winces when the little activity takes my breath away.

A moment of silence passes between all of us just when my phone dings and I immediately pick it up. I almost smile when I see Hayden's name but then I remember everything that happened. 'Hey' I read.

I text back quickly. 'Hey'

His text comes back quickly too. 'How are you?'

'I'm good' I send but then I remember something as I look down and I quickly send. 'Barol is good too.'

The dots appear then disappear for a moment, then reappear again before I get. 'Barol?" I do actually grin when I can basically hear his confusion in my mind.

'Eh, I don't know what gender the thing is so I came up with Barol. Bob for boy, and Carol for girl.' I explain before hitting send.

He answers. 'Those are about the worst names I have ever heard in my life Rivera. Couldn't have been like Cole and Gabbie or something?'

I chuckle a little as I smile. 'To complicated.'

I wait a moment then another one comes through. 'Mhm I see. Well I'm glad you and no named baby are good, I'll be at the party tonight so do you think we can talk then?'

This time I pause before I type because that talk hurt. All I wanted was to hold everything back and hide the horrible truth from him but I knew I couldn't do that anymore, and I understand why he walked out. I deserved that. I am a liar but for a good cause. Of course I want to be with him, but I know that's not possible now, I mean the look on his face after I said I was going go get rid of the baby is painful enough.

My stomach churns at the idea of getting rid of it, but I push it down as I hurrily type back. 'Yeah of course. Well I'll see you later tonight.'

Without hesitation he sends. 'See you later.'

I smile as I uncover the blanket from me then I sit up to see them both staring at me. "Oh hey guys, so listen...I've decided today is worth getting up for. Y'all are right, I need to stop slumping around."

Going to get up I get stopped by Emma holding out her hand. "Who was texting you?"

"No one." I narrow my eyes while clutching it closer to my side.

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