Chapter 31*

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Blair's POV 

"Parents hate me." I inform him while we step through the automatic opening doors of the hospital. "Even Mayas parents hate me. They said I was a bad influence, that's not a good sign Hall."

"Maya parents are Judgmental." He sighs before he wraps an arm around my waist then pulls me into his front from behind while I smile. "Don't worry, no one could ever hate you. Plus my mom already knows who you are."

"Did you introduce me as Luke's little sister, or as the girl who bullied you?" I question and when he's quiet behind me, I send him a small glare. "See, she'll hate me even more now. All I ever wanted to do was humble you, that's it."

He shake my head with a grin. "I know baby." Little liar is what he wants to say. "Listen, this is important to me. I want you to officially meet her as Blair Rivera, my girlfriend. Not my best friends little sister or school bully, because those labels don't count anymore."

I sigh while I lean back on him a bit as we continue to make our towards the elevator. "Okay fine. But just a fair warning that when I feel like I'm being attacked I tend not to be able to keep my mouth shut. So if your mom says something smart I'm not going to hold it off."

"Mhm, I'm sure that's why all parents enjoy you so much." He whispers in my ear and I softly kick his ankle behind me while he chuckles and kisses a sensitive spot on my neck. "I'm kidding. And even if she doesn't like you, I don't give a shit. I like you."

"Do you?" I asks with a grin playing on my lips while I press the button to the elevator.

"Mhm, a lot actually." He nods while he buries his head in my neck and tightens his arm around my waist slightly while he subtly lays a hand on my stomach while doing so.

I look down at the gesture and the smile on my face stays. Maybe even gets bigger. Because as I stand here watching him live in the moment of how things aren't that bad now, it inspires me. And it makes me feel like I'm allowed to imagine a life where we get to live like this forever, every once in a while.

So when I lay my hand on top of his, I grin as I let my head play the games that seem forbidden. "I guess I like you too." I say while I lean further into him then look up before I kiss him on the lips just as I hear the elevator ding.

"Damn." He mumbles before reluctantly pulling away then continues to walk us into the elevator. "Rivera after this, do you want to go make-out in my truck like overly horny fifteen year olds?"

I purse my lips slightly. "Hayden, I had no idea you were such a romantic."

"I only hide it for the ones who deserve it." He assures me while he kisses the top of my forehead and his lips linger while he connects his lips to my skin a couple more times. "You know if you really don't want to see my mom, we can just skip to the after part."

"And what's that?"

"The part where we make-out for a little bit, then I take you back to my house and fuck you." He whispers in my ear, and I close my eyes while my heart beats so hard against my chest I'm afraid it's shaking the entire elevator.

I hum while I roll my lips into my mouth and let the flutter in my stomach spread all over my body. The heat from being this close, exfoliates my whole being despite the chilly weather and I crave so much more of his warmth. "You're such a tease. Don't tell me things like that in a hospital."

"I'm trying to cheer you up." He tells me with a smile in his voice just when the elevator dings then the doors open to reveal a few people walking around the unit.

We step out and I create some distance because PDA is not my thing. But I do wrap my hand around his as he walks me to a room while waving to a few nurses here and there. When we get to a door he knocks and someone says 'come in' before he opens the door and pulls me inside.

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