Chapter 9*

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Blair's POV

Its Monday now, and I haven't really talked to any of my friends since the Halloween party. For starters I had the worst hangover ever, so I needed a day to put myself back together. And I knew I made a mistake drinking that much liquor but I was trying not to think, and what better way to forget everything than to get drunk while doing it?

But even though it makes a lot of sense to me, my mother was very unhappy with me for the events that occurred Friday night. When she found out she was upset, but she also doesn't know how to punish her kids and I'm definitely not going to help her. So now the only thing I have to do is give her a very detailed description of everywhere I'm going then I should be good.

Then on Sunday the worst thing that could have ever happened, did actually happen. Somehow James got my number, and he texted me asking if I wanted to meet him again. I ignored him of course, and I kept ignoring him all day while he was asking me endless questions and begging for me to answer. Eh he needs to get it together.

But then that upcoming Monday I layed in bed for like thirty minutes just staring at the ceiling, waiting for a tornado or something to come so I didn't have to go to school. Though that never happened, so here I am walking into this building that I for one would burn to the ground if I could.

And I feel stares on me all day as I walk in though I just continue to walk down the hallway while staring at my phone. They should really feel blessed to even be staring in my direction but that's a bitchy thing to say so I just choose keeping my mouth shut, and sealed tightly.

But when I feel someone come up to me I look besides me, and my face immediately rest when I see it's just Emma. "Blair I feel like I haven't seen you in like fifteen years." She frowns at me.

"I know it's been rough." I chuckle as I shake my head slightly at her dramatic words. "So tell me how have you been lately?"

She sighs next to me, and shrugs. "Okay I guess. But I've been home basically all weekend so that was boring." She states then looks over to me. "And what did you do this weekend?"

"Um...slept, ate, binged tv, and showered. I mean I think." I mumble the last part while I try to think just when I feel someone come to my other side, and I look over to see Maya. "There you are blondie."

She looks over with a grin. "Yeah sorry I was catching a ride with your brother, and he doesn't know how to be early to save his life."

"Yeah don't count on that loser to much." I inform her before we stop at my lockers first so I can stop by to get my books. While getting said books, I think back on a few things then I turn to look at them. "Do y'all think I'm mean?"

They slightly look taken back, and Maya is the first to answer that question. "I don't think you're mean. I think you're just straight-forward." She shrugs.

I was about to open my mouth but the Emma spoke. "Well..." And I narrow my eyes at her. "Okay you're not mean generally...and you are straightforward but I won't lie sometimes you have your moments. Which isn't a bad thing, and we still love you, though sometimes you can be a little mean."

Pursing my lips, I furrow my brows and shrug. "I mean it's better than nothing I guess. Not gonna lie though, I liked Maya's answer better but okay."

When I close my locker we begin to walk towards my third period class when I turn a corner, and bump into someone. "Oh so-" I was about to apologize until I face them to see Hazel look up then immediately glare my way.

"Get away from me you psycho bitch." She scoffs, and just then I take in the wrap over her nose making me grin while I try to hold back a laugh. "What is something funny to you?"

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