Chapter 4*

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Hayden's POV

One of my favorite things ever is the feeling after winning a football game. Not just when you score the touchdown or help score it, but just simply when your team wins. The feeling of hearing the game has ended then looking up at the scoreboard to see that your number of points sky rocketed compared to the other team fulfills something in you.

It's one of the many thing that brings me joy. The feeling that springs through you when your team is changing and clapping together for y'all's win, and the chants and shit that happens in the locker rooms after a win is even crazier. And the way the crowd is yelling so loud for you even when you get on the field and leave the field a winner or a loser.

I've always enjoyed that feeling. It's always put me on cloud nine more than anything. And leaving still feels like cloud nine because people still think you're the greatest team to them because they just watched it happen first hand. And let me tell you...the after party's get crazy.

"Fuck yeah!" I shout as I throw down my side of the two-sided beer pong funnel that I just finished before Higgins, who's part of our team and he gives me a clap on the back when he finishes his side too, and I watch as it falls to the floor.

I smile at the crowd of people before I wave a hand then walk out of the living room , where I then go into the kitchen. Walking over to where the cooler is I reach my hand inside of the ice to pull out a fresh can of beer that feels so good against my soar hands.

After receiving it I pop open the can, and take a long sip as I lean against the kitchen counter, when a girl walks in who I recognize as Cassidy Taylor smiling at me when she notices I'm standing there. Making her way over she grabs a wine spritzer from besides me. Ew.

"Congratulations on the win tonight Hayden, the team did really good." She tells me as she leans her body on the counter besides me, her arm brushing against mine as she does.

"Thanks Cassidy." I grin at her before I take a sip of my beer, slowly so I can feel the coldness run down my throat. "How's the soccer team doing? I keep meaning to go to a game but I'm just always a little busy."

She looks up like she's surprised someone asked but she quickly makes up for it by swallowing her drink quickly. "Um it's been good...we won the last couple games so we're on track for our last season."

"That's good." I nod my head as I mutter then I put a grin on my face and turn towards her. "I like the highlights, they bring out your hair color even more."

I actully think the blond highlights are way to light for her dark hair, but it's no cool to be douche and everyone needs a compliment once in a while, plus she's hot so what does her hair matter at the moment. "Oh thank you, I thought I'd go for a change."

I nod my head in understanding as I take a long sip of my beer, then wipe my lip with my thumb after I'm done. "We'll I think you looked just as beautiful before don't worry." I assure her, and a pink tint takes over her cheeks as she stares my way.

"You're to nice." She clicks her tongue, and smiles widely as she swallows harshly. "I think guys nowadays are kinda douchey...I just don't see that in you."

As I go to open my mouth to confirm her theory, an annoying voice I hope wasn't actually here breaks my concentration on Cassidy by saying. "Don't think that or you'll just be lying to yourself." leave it to Rivera to piss me off on my favorite night.

"You know, you're lying to yourself too when you say you're not an asshole." I inform her as I shake my head and roll my eyes in annoyance.

I look up after as she walks over to where the pantry is then starts to dig through the food like it's her house until she finds a bag of chips then turns towards me with a smile.

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