Chapter 42*

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Blair's POV

I open the doors to coffee hobby and when I do the bell rings as the air blows my hair back a bit. I'm moving it out of my face, as I look around to the slightly busy crowd sitting and standing around the cafe. My feet hit the floor with each step I take as I slowly make my way to the back.

When I see Emma and Maya sitting in the back, I continue to make my way towards them. Only Emma looks up when she hears my footsteps approach, and I send her a small grin while I take a seat in the empty stool all while I stare at Maya who continues to look down to her phone.

"What's she doing?" I ask as I nod to Maya who remains oblivious.

"She's fighting with her mom at the moment. I've yet to know what it's about but she came in here typing very angrily." Emma informs me.

I hum in response just as Maya lets out a loud sigh then taps her phone one last time before setting it down on the table passive aggressively as I watch her movements. She's mad but she's a kind mad. She's not a person who would throw shit, instead she would set it down gently then storm out.

"Oh hey Blair, when did you get here?"

Looking up I shrug. "Not too long ago. Now what was that about blondie?"

"My mom is driving me nuts. I mean I'm eighteen now, and she keeps telling me what I can and cannot do even if it's little things. Like I asked if I could go to the movies with your brother this weekend but she said she doesn't trust us to be alone when we've literally been alone a million times before."

I furrow my brows. "So just go and don't ask her if you can do anything, anymore. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission."

"That's bad advice I think."

"Nope. It's the best advice you'll ever hear, I mean I did everything I wasn't supposed to and all I had to do was fight with my mom a little after but at-least I had fun. If you can't even go to the movies, there's something wrong with that situation." I inform her. "I mean what could you ever do wrong, you're blondie. You're an Angel."

Emma nods in agreement. "Exactly. If she doesn't even like the thought of you two going to the movies together because you might 'accidentally touch hands in the popcorn' let's hope she never finds out how much 'hand holding' y'all do."

"Ew." I groan as I shake my head. "Stop it. Mayas an Angel in my eyes, don't ruin that imagine with satans ugly stepbrother."

"Who's the stepbrother?" Maya asks.

"Lucas Rivera."

She shakes her head with a smile. "No he's an Angel too. We've actually been really good lately, I think we needed a fight or something because we never fought before."

"Never?" I furrow my brows.


"That's weird." Emma comments. "Me and Noah have fights sometimes. I hate fighting so much though, so I guess that would be good if we didn't fight."

I scoff. "I love fighting. Although me and Hayden never actually fight, fight. It's playful. Unless I'm being a bitch, but he's always really sweet during those times."

Maya smiles a little. "That's so cute." Then she turns to Emma. "They're so cute."

"They are." Emma agrees and I furrow my brows because I'm sitting right here. "She finally found the Yang to her ying."

"You two do know I can hear you right? And don't say shit like that it's cheesy." I twist my face and shake my head.

"It's adorable, not cheesy. I mean I've never seen you this happy so you can handle a comment or two about how cute it is." Maya tells me with a grin.

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