Chapter 20*

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Blair's POV

"Trees give me nostalgia of my childhood."

She narrows her eyes at me while I sit on my bed looking between her and Luke. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." She mutters and shakes her head.

"It's true! They're like super...memory filled. And superficial if you ask me." I explain with a shrug. "Remember that one time I climbed a tree when I was five? I didn't. But then I climbed the tree and memory lane came rushing back."

"Clearly it didn't knock any sense into your head." Luke speaks up.

I hold up a finger to him. "Last time I checked, no one could give two shits about what you were saying so shut it."

"You don't speak to your brother that way. How do you think it feels to find you gone at midnight then to see you climbing a tree to get back up!" My mom scoffs while I roll my eyes. Over-dramatic much. "Where were you?"

Ah the question of the century. "Sitting in a damn tree. You know mom I'm starting to think you don't trust me."

"I don't."

"Yeah I gathered that." I nod my head up and down while she continues to look at me expectedly. I know how to fix this."Okay I'll be honest with you mom, I wasn't in the tree for memories...I was trying to jump off."

"What?" They both deadpan at the same time.

I sigh as I cover my face with my hands so I can try to get the fake tears going. "Things have just been difficult. And I just am tired of living like this," not a lie. "I just wanted an out," also not a lie. "because life is hard right now. I know things I shouldn't," I am full of truths tonight. "I wanted to put an end to the pain." Wow I'm on a roll.

I should've really tried to jump out the tree.

"Blair stop trying to make yourself cry. You're tears are even faker then the lies you just keep spewing out." My mom scoffs.

I pause my movements then remove my hand from my face. "I'm not lying."

"You are. You always have and I am tired of it. Do you think just because you have cancer it's an out? Because it's not. You are still my kid and if you want fair treatment then you better get used to it." My mom explains.

I sigh. "Why do you hate me?" I question and she goes to answer but I cut her off. "Hey Siri, why does my mom absolutely despise me?"

Waiting a moment I hold a finger up the when she responds 'I don't understand' I roll my eyes. "See even Siri thinks it's so despicable that she can't even answer."

"And why are you so frustrating? You complain and complain with every last breath because nothing will ever be enough for you." She throws her hands up with a laugh that says she gives up. "I give up." I was right.

I purse my lips as we sit there then I clear my throat. "So, does that mean you give up on trying to keep me in this house still or?..."

"Blair." Luke warns before I look over at him. "Stop trying to gaslight her. She's not doing anything wrong, she's just telling the truth."

I roll my eyes. "God when are you going to get off the tit Lucas? And I'm not gaslighting her. I am the fire and she's ice because she is cold hearted. Just like you are, and I can't stand either of you anymore. I am sick and tired- of not even of the cancer but of y'all. You two make me feel so bad and neither one of you care because you are both so stuck in your little world with each-other. It's a good thing I got cancer Luke and not you, because that would be the end of the world for her kid that she actually loves to have been dying."

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