Chapter 23*

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Hayden's POV

"What are you doing tonight?" Luke asks me as he pulls a shirt over his head while we get dressed after practice.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I push the lie out. "Probably just going to, go to the hospital and visit my mom for a bit."

He nods his head and begins to dig through some things in his locker. "Okay, I just feel like we haven't hung out in forever. Are you busy this weekend too?"

Alright, it was never my intention to lie to Lucas. But I'm not exactly sure how'd he react, and I'm not ready to face reality of the situation. I've been waiting for this for to damn long to let anything get in my way, even if he is my best friend but sometimes we have to make sacrifices. So if lying to him about his sister is the sacrifice I have to make, then I'll take one for the team. 

"I don't think so, I'll have to check my schedule." I shrug as I send him a small grin.

"Mhm, you do that." Luke rolls his eyes while he grabs his bag out of the locker, then puts his athletic bag up. "I really need to get out of the house. Between my moms hovering, and Blair's moping I feel like I can hardly breathe in there."

I furrow my brows. "Why is Blair moping?"

"Because one of her friends from one of summer camps she went to, died last week." He says while clearing his throat in the middle of the sentence.

"Wait what?" I question as I stop my movements and look over at him with raised brows.

"Yeah. She's been all mopey at home, and easily irritated with me but she always is so that's nothing new." He shrugs. "And we've just been fighting nonstop and I can't stand it. Like I'm trying to be careful with her feelings because I know she's going through a rough time, but it's so bad."

I furrow my brows a little to myself as I swallow the lump in my throat. "Blair likes to fight with people, she just doesn't like when people fight her back. And she definitely doesn't want your sympathy either so just...give her time."

"Yeah, it's just annoying as hell."

My hands tighten around the shirt I'm holding as I look at him out of the corner of my eye. I try not to show that what he's saying is bothering me because he's been venting to me about his sister for as long as I can remember, but I don't like this. I don't like that he's not trying to understand her or see it from her perspective. And a wave of possessiveness creeps up my spine as I think about it.

"Yeah." I reply.

"But anyways, just let me know so I can get out of the house this weekend. But I'll see you in class later." He pats my back before I watch him walk out of the door.

I feel bad for lying to him. But then again no I don't. And it's not only because I've been wanting this for a long time, it's because I want to get her out of that house and I want to make her feel better. I can be there for her a lot better than her family can be.


Walking down the sidewalk I feel the air hit against my skin as I exhale slowly. It's hot. Except it's the middle of winter so I don't actually think it's hot. Am I nervous? I can't be. I mean it's not exactly like I haven't known her for more than half my life.

I just need to stop. I need to focus on the fresh air and breathe because everything will be okay. I mean I'm the one who pushed her into this...oh god what if she didn't really want to go, and she just felt bad? No Blair's not like that. If she doesn't want to do something, she'll let you know real fast. Yeah she's honest. Too honest for her own good.

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