Chapter 41*

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Hayden's POV

I'm not really sure if this is a good idea.

I mean I really try and come up with all the great possibilities that could come out of tonight but all that keeps coming right back, is that something bad could happen. For most people this is a happy, maybe slightly nervous, but overall joyful time.

For me I feel anxious and nothing but that.

There's not exactly much enjoyment from the picture I'm currently painting in my head as we speak.

Apparently when you're dating, your families want to get to know each-other? I'm not sure, but Sarah asked me if I could invite my mom over to come and have dinner with us all. They've spoken before but they've never spoken when their children were dating. Or at-least that's how Blair's mom put it when I told her that I didn't think a whole dinner was necessary

Maybe I shouldn't be slightly freaking out over this, but with how my mom has been lately I'm a little nervous. Not to mention, it's not just going to be a small gathering it's like this whole dinner that Sarah invited all of our parents to because she wanted a get together. So not only do I have to worry about how my mom will interact with Sarah, but now I have to worry about how she'll interact with everyone else too.

Fun, I know. Sounds like so much freaking fun.

Although I let those thoughts slip away as I look over to Blair while she dances with minimal movements around her room. She says it's not to much physical work, but dancing helps her relax so she needs it because I can see through her calm exterior, she's freaking out just like I am. But shes dancing away the worries and I watch as she does, and it takes my own worries from my body and throws them out the window as I watch.

Music penetrates my ears and I watch as her body slowly fits and mirrors the sound with each movement. I watch carefully from where her straightened legs bend, to how she changes arm positions when a certain part of the music comes through the speakers. And I look at her with amazement because even when she keeps it small and simple, so she doesn't hurt herself or Barol, its still one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

Especially as I watch her face when she moves. Her eyelids close so she can live within the music, her red cheeks give her tan skin a different contrast, and her lips curl up every now and then. I think it's her that makes it the most beautiful thing in the world, because I've seen dances but I've never been so infatuated by it until she came along.

"You're watching me, Hall." I hear her say and I break out of my concentration as she lowers her arms and smiles in my direction.

"How can I not?" I question.

I couldn't ever stop watching her. Because even when she's not physically right in front of me, I see her in my mind as if it's playing its own movie and she is always the star of it.

"I'm sweaty, and sticky now. Looking like a wet rat is not how I want you to see me." She informs me while she sets her hands on her hips.

"I love when you're sweaty and sticky." I give her a charming smile.

"You dirty bastard." She mutters with a grin while I open my arms and she makes her way over to me before she stands between my legs while I sit on the edge of the bed.

I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head against her chest while the warmth of her body spreads through my whole being. "Not dirty. I just appreciate the art of getting dirty. Really it's a good quality."

"Oh, is it?" She questions and I look up as I my chin rest against the her breast, and she runs her fingers through my hair.

"It really is. It means I take everything I can get with much satisfaction." I inform her while I leave a single kiss on her chest that's slightly revealed from the leotard.

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