Chapter 45*

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Blair's POV

I run my fingers over the necklace Lucas got me, and I exhale for a moment as I peak over to the smaller one. One that looks like it would fit around my wrist, and it makes my heart swell to think about something being that tiny fitting in it.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I look away and gaze down to the food in-front of me. I've yet to eat it but I'm not exactly sure if I have the appetite to. Even if pancake and sausage sandwiches are one of my favorite breakfast foods, but the nerves running through my entire body block everything from working correctly for me.

"Why are you looking down at your food like that. You look like it offended you somehow." Lucas says from my doorway.

I send him a glare. "What are you doing in here?"

"Waiting for Maya to get out of the bathroom. But in the meantime I thought I'd see what my sister was up to, but clearly I'm interrupting a serious time."

"You're not interrupting anything. I was just...making sure the food was cooked." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, because staring at it is going to get you far." He nods sarcastically and I sigh. "Do you want cereal or something? I don't know if all breakfast foods insulted you somehow or what, bu-"

"You're still bothering me. Why?" I question as I look up to him.

He shakes his head. "I'm just trying to talk to my sister Blair. You are being very rude today and I for one do not appreciate it."

"That's good. I was trying to make sure I could do whatever I can not to please you." I tell him while I look up and meet his eyes.

He hums just as I hear the bathroom door open, and Maya steps up next to him with a smile. When she sees me her smile turns into a frown. "Oh, B." Then she starts to walk towards me.

Luke scoffs. "You took one look at her and could tell somethings wrong?"

"Yes babe, don't be dumb." Maya sighs before she sits in front of me then she looks over my face. "What's wrong?"

"I hate my brother."

"No, what else is wrong?" Maya asks skipping over that part with a wave of her hand.

I sigh to myself although I think it's loud enough for everyone to hear. Really I know I need to pull it together but no matter how hard I try I just can't do it, and it's driving me nuts. I'm cool and collected, and I know how to put on one hell of a showcase, but I've been sitting in my bed staring at some pancake sandwiches for an hour for a reason.

Now I'm hungry thinking about it.

I grab one then take a bite of the cold sandwich as I begin to chew. "I have to find something out today and I don't know if I can do it."

She furrows her brows. "What are you finding out?"

I purse my lips. "The gender of my baby."

She goes to answer but Luke speaks up. "I'm team boy all the way. I mean I could teach it how play football, how cute, I could teach a girl too though. Although uncle Luke is rooting for boy so try your best Blair."

"Yes, let me pick and choose its gender real quick." I answer dryly.

"I'm just saying, then you can name it after me too. Hey do I get to be the god-father?" He asks me.

"Hell no."

"What?" He exclaims while he looks at me with wide eyes. "That's messed up. Who the hell is it supposed to be then?"

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