Chapter 36*

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Hayden's POV

The sight in-front of me is slightly odd. I mean except it's actually pretty normal, but I think it's became odd to my life. Really it's something that should be happening in all households everyday, but as I stand here sipping on a protein shake and watching it happen, I'm not sure how to take it.

"Do you want some eggs?" My mom asks me from the stove.

I narrow my eyes on the situation as she cooks. She cooks. "No I'm okay. I already had something to eat this morning, but thanks."

"No problem."

As of a couple days ago, she was officially allowed to leave the hospital and come home. She's been doing really good, she looks back to normal and acts like everything's fine. I mean except for when she's mopping around for my dad, but she try's not to do that around me. Like now she's trying to act like a normal mom who wakes up for work, and cooks her kid breakfast before school.

"So are you excited for your first day back at work?" I ask.

She only shrugs. "Yes."

Silence comes over before I nod. "That's good. What time do you get off tonight?"

"Around like five." She tells me, and I begin to nod before I hear her mutter something else. "Hopefully your not driving on the backroads around that time."

I pause my movements as my entire body freezes while nausea takes over my whole being. There's a bit of confusion on my part, but I know what I did, I just didn't think she knew. Of course she'd find out, it was inevitable but I didn't think she'd find out this soon or decide to take this route for the conversation.


"Your dad told me about it a few weeks ago before he just started disappearing." She tells me, still not looking in my direction. "I'm not mad Hayden. I know it was an accident, I just don't understand why you didn't tell me in the first place. I mean you seem to be worried about all the wrong things lately, and I just think you need to get your priorities straight."

I furrow my brows. "What do you mean?"

She sighs. "I just mean while you should be telling me the truth about everything, the only thing you're doing is bringing your little girlfriend to meet me. I asked you for answers, and you ignored me."

"That has absolutely nothing to do with her."

"No it doesn't, but I asked you for answers and what do you do? You ignore me." She repeats as she looks back at me. "And I am so sick and tired of you not considering important things like your family, so tell me the truth about everything." 

I narrow my eyes slightly. "You're not ready for the truth."

"This is important. Not little meet and greets with your girlfriend, this is." She claims with fury in her eyes as she moves her dirty blond hair out of the way.

Starring at her for a moment, I eventually avoid my eyes and look down to the ground. "Dads not a good person. While you were gone he was angry with me for what happened, and he took it out on me in a way he probably shouldn't have. He...he was hitting me an-"

"Hayden, sometimes getting physical with your kids is just how parents are. Your dad has always been like that."

"Yeah but this was worse. He used to slap me around a little bit, but he never hit me this hard. I mean mom, he's stabbed me before." I blink at her because does she not understand?

She sighs again. "He wouldn't do something like that on purpose, I'm sure it was just an accident."

"A fucking accident? He's a drunk piece of shit who abuses his kid because he doesn't know how to handle the real world. And you're defending him? Don't tell me you're just as delusional as him?" I shake my head.

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