Chapter 39*

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Blair's POV

"This is literally the weirdest thing I've ever seen."

I look up towards Luke's voice, who's standing with his body leaned against my doorframe while I roll my eyes and continue to keep my posture straight. "You're over-dramatic."

"It's weird. I mean not even the two of you being together is weird but this..." He sighs before he looks up to Hayden. "What happened to you man?"

"Nothing happened." I hear Hayden mumble from above me before he drags a brush through the other side of my hair.

"The only reason I'm not pissed that both of y'all's hair is wet, is because this scene is just too distracting." Luke shakes his head while he  bypasses the both of our hair being wet thing.

"He's a good hairstylist." I insist.

"He's braiding your hair. What are you two going to have a pillow fight after this?" Luke scoffs, and I sigh while I run my fingers over my left French braid that Hayden already did.

"Maybe. I was thinking, making friendship bracelets would be more our style though." Hayden tells him and I snort while I lean my head against one of his thighs.

Luke shakes his head again and I could laugh. Hayden sits on my bed, while I sit between his legs on the floor as he braids my hair because I didn't want it to get tangled. Lucas just so happened to walk in during this, but I guess that's my fault for leaving the door open and for him to walk in. But things have been good lately so I wasn't as tempted to shut out the world.

He apologized to me after him and Hayden talked apparently. Now I didn't forgive him or anything, but I did get to slap him one more time so it was a win-win situation. Hayden doesn't know about that, he thinks we just made up and hugged like brother and sister would but that was the only way I said I would compromise with him.

"Ones that say 'us against the world'?" I tease because ew.

"Maybe 'best-friends-forever'" Hayden counters back with a raised brow.

"Xoxo' is strong in line though."

"Mhm, but I'd make you one that said 'my little kitten." He wiggles his eyebrows, and I can't help break out into laugher as I shake my head.

"I can't even go on with that one in the air, that's so bad Hall." I say through laughter while I smile and try to keep my head still so he can continue to braid.

"But kitten..." he sighs and I make a gagging sound as he chuckles behind me then leans down and kisses my head. "Just kidding. I am quite literally disgusted for letting any of that come out of my mouth."

"I am disgusted by this whole freakin scene." Luke scoffs, interrupting our sophisticated conversation, and I turn my head back in his direction because I forgot he was there.

"Lucas, we can talk about anything we want. Isn't that right my wittle whiskers." I say as I turn back to Hayden and pretend to seductively bite the air.

He bites the air back in my direction and I hear a groan from Luke, making all this coming out of my mouth worth it as I look back to see his disgusted face. "I am seriously about to throw up. Neither of you ever do that again. And I thought the braiding hair part was bad."

"Hey, French braiding is hard to do on yourself. So when your boyfriend knows how to do it, you have to take advantage of the situation." I roll my eyes then whisper. "It's the only reason we're dating."

Luke sighs. "I wish that were true."

"It's not my fault I'm good with my hands." Hayden tells me in a suggestive tone and I smile before I realize who's at the door then I send a look back to him and he clears his throat. "Sorry."

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