Chapter 37*

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Blair's POV

"Oh, I'll kick his ass."

I take a bite of my mashed potatoes and roll my eyes to myself. "I'm sure you will."

"I'm serious Blair. First he gets with you, then he gets you pregnant, then he lies to me about everything. It's seriously fucked up, and you know it."

"So fucked up." I mutter.

"And I'm going to beat his ass for it. Don't worry I'm not letting him get away with this, he probably manipulated you into a relationship because he thought it'd be easy."

This makes me stop in my movements before I look up to him. "Did you just call me easy?"

He sighs at this. "No. I just mean that he might think it'd be easy to get with you because of your...condition. Because you're vulnerable, and I'm just trying to look out for you."

"Okay let's get one thing straight," I start as I let my fork slam against the glass plate and he winces. "Me and him? Happened way before he even knew about my condition. And vulnerable, really? I can kick your ass just as good as I could a year ago, and if you keep talking shit I will."

He narrows his eyes slightly. "Do you think telling me it's been going on that long is supposed to make me feel any better?"

"No. But I think you forget the fact that your feelings are on the very bottom of my list of worries."

"Don't be like that." He shakes his head. "Don't act like I did anything wrong. You and him betrayed me, I mean you're my sister so I can forgive you and look past it, but he's my best-fucking-friend Blair."

"You're lucky you have any friends at all."

"I'm not joking around right now. I told you about when Maya and I were getting together, but you just hid it from me and I don't understand why." He looks at me with a desperation of some type.

"Because I'm reasonable Lucas. I don't give a shit who either of you date, as long as you don't hurt each-other. And we lied for this exact reason, because of the way you're acting. It was not with a malicious intent, we actually could care less about spiteing you because we didn't even consider you. Stop making this about yourself, and playing victim." 

I get that's not fair. He has a right to be mad, especially finding everything out all at once but he's taking this in all the directions it doesn't need to go. I mean seriously, he thinks Hayden manipulated me into this? That is just ridiculous and I'm not letting him get by with saying shit like that when he won't even open his ears or eyes for anyone but himself.

"Really, you didn't consider me? Then why couldn't y'all just tell me, if it was that easy to move past the thought of me." He gives me a look that says more than his words do.

"Because we moved past the thought too easily. Duh."

"Oh fuck you. Don't act like you wouldn't be pissed if you were me."

I exhale then meet his eyes. "If you and Maya lied, I won't deny it, I would've been pissed." I say and he goes to talk again, but I cut him off. "Except, I would never hit Maya. Or tell you that she was just taking advantage of you for all the wrong reasons. I mean is it seriously so unbelievable for someone to want me?"

"It is. I mean Blair you're horrible to him, and to many people. It's not that you're unlikable or anything it's just that you're not a nice person. And I think he pity's you because he got you pregnant, and now he knows you're dying? I just don't think he likes you for the right reasons."

I raise a brow. "Excuse me?"

"He fucked you, and found out he got you pregnant so he feels bad. That's why I think he's dating you." He explains like it makes all the sense in the world.

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