Chapter 25*

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Hayden's POV

I look down as I move her blond hair out of her face with a small trying smile on my face. She doesn't move and I don't know if I'm happy or sad about that. I don't want her to see the look on my face, but then again I wish she'd react to little things like this again. She used to be such a light sleeper.

But I decide I should be happy or thankful or something in between because she's alive. She's alive without the breathing tube, and I can watch her heart beat on the machine as the noise fills my ears like it has a million times before. And I think I'm starting to like it a little bit. It's an odd sound that would most likely be getting on people's nerves but I've grown attached to it.

Or maybe I've just adjusted to it.

I sit back on the chair while I look down to my phone while I wait for her to wake, so I get a bit comfortable since I know it can take a while.

When I do so, I smile a little when I see a text from Blair that she had sent a couple minutes ago. 'What are you doing tonight?' It reads.

'Your brothers making me go to a party at Dereks house because apparently I don't pay attention to him anymore.' I sigh as I hit send because I really wanted to spend time with her this weekend.

My phone dings and I look down. 'First off, ew. And secondly, do you want to sneak out after like an hour or so of being there and come to the beach?'

I grin, and begin to quickly text back. 'I was going to do that anyways, but seeing you after sounds muchhh better.'

I get something back almost immediately. 'I know you're lucky;) but I'll see you later.'

'See you later.' I send back with a smile on my face as I rub my thumb over my bottom lip to remember all the times this week I've stole secret touches from her.

I mean I didn't really think I'd be that into sneaking around, and I'm not but I kind of like it. Blair's not a very open person, and I know for a fact that PDA would not even be in her vocabulary so I guess I like this side of her. I mean I like every side of her of course, even the ones that get on my nerves, but she's different when it's just the two of us.

Hopefully it's that she feels comfortable. I don't want her to feel the need to be someone she isn't, but the rare times she's ever been like this is when she knows she can open up to you. And that's all I ever wanted. I wanted her to know that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, because I've never felt like this for someone.

I don't think anything she can say could ever drive me away.

"Hayden..." I hear someone say with a croaky voice, and my head snaps up before I quickly grab her water from the side table then help her take a drink of it.

"Hey you feeling?" I question while I scan over her face for a moment.

She gives me a small smile. "I'm okay. Just tired." She shrugs a bit as she looks up at me with squinted brown eyes. "How are you?"

"I'm fine mom." I assure her with grin as I set the water back on the side table. "You need anything? I can get the nurse if you're hungry or need help going to the bathroom."

"No I'm good, just sit down so I can talk to you." She tells me, and I nod as I sit back in the same chair from before. "'s school been?"

I purse my lips, and clasp my hands together as I think for a moment. "Good. I mean it's senior year so I'm excited that this is the last time I'll ever have to be in that school." She smiles a little and I continue. "But overall its all been good. Footballs been nice too."

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