Chapter 46*

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Hayden's POV

I didn't exactly think I'd ever love words so much. Or at-least saying them, I mean. There's a whole dictionary of words, and in what seems like a million different languages, but for some reason these words just feel so good and so different falling off of my tongue. Like honey because they're sweet, and they stick to the air around us to create a comforting glaze.

"I love you." I tell her what I'm sure I've told her a thousand times just within the last few minutes.

Her smiles means that she's not tired of the repetitive words. "And I love you."

"You never say 'too'. Why not?"

She purses her lips while laying her head on my bare chest while we lie in her bed. "Because it sounds like I'm agreeing when I say 'too'. And I want you to know that I'm not just agreeing, that I feel it too." 

This girl. "You're so sweet. You better shush before we never get out of this bed. We're already going to be late."

"It's fine. We'll just tell them we were busy." She shrugs while leaving a kiss on my chest then looks up to me. "And technically speaking we were."

"Mhm, I'm not sure if they'll accept our technical excuse though"

"Fuck them." She mutters while her eyes fall closed, and I smile as I shake my head. 

"Baby we have to get ready for your moms wedding. I mean you're one of her bridesmaids, she'll murder you if your not there on time." I inform her because we were already supposed to each be in different rooms with the bride and groom.

And we were on our way out. But then we weren't, and now here we are laying in bed like it's a normal Saturday night when we both know what we have ahead of us. I know I'm not excited for Blair to be standing on her feet for like an hour service so I can't even imagine how she's feeling about it.

"Listen she can wait a minute or two for me. I mean technically speaking this whole wedding wouldn't even be happening without me."

I furrow my brows. "How do you figure?"

"Because I've pushed her to the brink of insanity, which made her get out of the house more, to which she meet Dan, who she is now getting married to." She explains. "So you're welcome for driving her crazy."

I shake my head a little bit as I rub her back up and down with the side of my finger tips and she slightly arches into me when I do so. It makes me smile a bit as my head reaches down and kisses the top of her head, and I find myself just wanting to stay here for the rest of the night.

But then my phone rings and I let out a sigh as I come back to reality before I grab it from the nightstand behind me, then look to see Luke's contact. Enjoying this for only a moment more, I press the answer button then put it to my ear.

"I swear, you two better have a good reason for not being here or else. Mom is freaking out because Blair's not answering so please tell me you're doing something important." He rambles on first thing.

"Well hello to you too Luke, and we are doing something important for your information, we're...." I trail off as I look around the room and at her as she shrugs a little. "...doing extracurriculars."

She laughs as Luke groans into the phone. "Gross. I don't even want to know, just get your asses down here before mom has a heart attack on her wedding day."

"We're like literally about to walk out of the door. Like keys in hand, hand on door knob type of shit." I lie.

A moment of silence passes, then I hear him let out a loud exhale. "You better be. I don't have time to be explaining to mom that her daughter isn't here because she has to get the whore out of her before she comes to church."

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