Chapter 35*

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Blair's POV

"Are you wearing Hayden's shirt?"

The question makes me stop in the middle of the living room as I exhale a slow breath. Panic rises in me but I swallow it down as I turn around to where Luke is sitting on the couch as he gazes at me with furrowed brows.

I look down. "Oh. I guess...I think it just got mixed in with my clothes from your clothes, which are apparently his clothes too. Yeah."

He nods. "That's one of his favorite shirts. He doesn't ever let me borrow it."

"He stays the night with you all the time, I'm sure he just left it here." He also stays the night with me most nights but we're not going to mention that.

"Oh...why are you wearing it then?"

This questions catches me off guard for a moment but I quickly remember that, that is the last thing I need to do in this situation. "I thought it was yours. I like your shirts, they're like long and airy."

"Don't wear my shirts either." He frowns. "You always end up stealing them. And don't forget to take that one off either because Hayden will murder you if he sees you wearing that."

I could almost laugh at his statement. The irony that Hayden gave his favorite shirt to me because he likes seeing me in only his clothes, is almost comical. I mean obviously I can't tell Luke that but the last thing I'll be doing is giving Hayden his shirt back.

"Will do, but I could care less about what Hall thinks Luke." I roll my eyes to fake annoyance.

"What did my friend ever do to you?" He asks with a sigh as he shakes his head and looks back towards the tv.

"He befriended you, that was the first red flag." I inform him while I take a seat on the couch next to him.

"I had to save him from your wrath, if anything his biggest red flag was speaking to you first."

I side eye him. "Hey I was a catch. Hall just didn't have the materials to get said catch, and y'all are so over-dramatic about the 'wrath' thing. I was five, I wasn't mini Lucifer."

"Could've fooled me." He mutters, and I grab a pillow before I throw it as it hits him on the face then bounces down when he closes his eyes. "You're ruining my alone time."

"That's my job as you're sister."

"Tell my sister to go away."

I purse my lips. "No."

"Blair." He looks over to me and I raise a brow. "There's someone in the kitchen that wants to talk to you. And don't be mad okay, you're the one who gave her the key."

"You better not have." I warn while I sit up a bit straighter. "I don't want to do that right now."

"You never want to face your problems, how the hell am I supposed to know whether or not you're in the current mood to?" He questions me while he runs a hand through his hair.

"Well I'm not." I scoff.

He rolls his eyes. "And I am supposed to know that, how?"

"You're my brother Lucas, aren't you supposed to have this instinct that tells you when not to do something?"

Looking over to me annoyed he shakes his head. "That's twins Blair, if I was your twin I would have gave up already."

"I don't want to talk to her."

"You need to. I'm tired of seeing you and Maya slightly slumping around because without the three of you, you're not the same people. Y'all fit together and you're currently missing a piece."

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