Chapter 7*

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Hayden's POV

"It's hotter than satan's asshole in here."

Blair's complaint rings through my ears, and I look over as she squints her eyes and holds a hand above her forehead to block out the sunlight shining through the window.

I furrow my brows before I look over at her while my arms stay crossed on my chest. "Do you know from personal experience?" I ask and slowly she turns her head towards me with a glare.

Narrowing her eyes slightly one corner of her mouth goes up and she says. "Yes. Me and Satan like to play a little pegging when I go home to visit." then she turns to look out the window again and I chuckle under my breath.

"Stay there next time." I tell her while I close my eyes so I can try and at-least go to sleep for a little bit so time can pass quicker.

Today we're going on a field trip. I know fun. But our biology teacher Mrs.Johnson had planned a small trip for the class with the highest grades, which of course third period had to win. So now we're on our way to the nature center.

And she got to pick where we sit too, so when I tried to sit with Luke she told me I was assigned for the other Rivera to be my partner on this. Let me tell you, when Blair got on the bus with an already bad mood, then found out she had to sit with me I swore her whole face turned red.

I thought about going easy on her seeing as she's had a couple rough days since her dad. Who she told her mom and brother about seeing, nonchalantly, like they both didn't say some pretty messed up shit but at-least Blair had a reason for doing so. But then I remembered, you don't pity Blair. So guess what I'm not going to do?

Pity her.

"Are we almost there!" Blair shouts pretty loudly causing my eyes to shoot open from the sleep I was almost in, and I rub my eyes in frustration as she leans over the seat so Mrs.Johnson can see her. Dammit Rivera.

"Yes sweetie, now sit down it's not safe!" Mrs.Johnson shouts back, and Rivera sighs as she plops down into the seat with a scowl on her face.

I watch her shake her head then mutters. "Bitch." before opening a water bottle and taking a sip of it slowly, and closes her eyes to really feel the cold liquid.

"Who are we talking about here? You?" I question, and she slightly squeezes the water bottle in her hand before pulling it away and recapping it.

She looks over at me, and I notice a light glaze of sweat on the tan skin of her neck. "Look." and I draw my attention back to her face. "Just because we're sitting next to each-other, that doesn't mean you have to talk to me."

I blink a few times to get the tiredness out of my eyes then I sigh. "Okay, then you look." I tell her as I sit up slightly and turn towards her while she turns towards me too with her right leg laying on the seat. "Just because you're having a bad day- or week. That doesn't mean you have the right to treat the rest of the world like shit."

Her brows furrow, and I thought I got to her but then she grins and all hope falls. "I don't know if you're looking for an apology, because  the last words that'll ever leave my lips are those two disgraceful, no meaning words. And secondly I don't treat the world like crap, I just treat you like crap, and I'll admit that loud and proud any day of my bad week Hall."

I roll my eyes, and shake my head. Atleast she's honest. "Next time you yell across the bus can you inform Mrs.Johnson that my partner is a major biotch?" I question as I reach down into my bag then pull out a bag of gummy bears. I need a snack.

"Why inform her of something she, and the rest of the people on this bus already know." Blair scoffs then puts her hand in my gummy bears and I let her before I snatch her water and she glares.

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