Chapter 8*

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Blair's POV

The wind from the chill air sweeps against my skin making goosebumps appear, and I move my hair behind my ear once again. I blink a few times while my body shivers, though I ignore it as I grab the two coffee cups off the table outside and hold them both in one hand before I spray some disinfectant that mostly shoots to the right on the table.

I wipe it down quickly then I pick up all my supply's, and walk back inside. I flip the open sign to closed before I walk to the back and put the dishes I picked up from outside in the cart. And I grab the mop so I can begin to do just that behind the counters just as I did in the main area before I remembered I had to wipe down tables outside.

And when I begin to mop the floor I hear the bell ring signaling the door opened. "We're closed." I call out as my back continues to face the direction of the door while I mop.

"I know." I hear a familiar voice, and I stop in my tracks before I blink a few times then turn my head to see James standing there. "Hey Blair bear."

I stare at him for a moment then I come to my senses and I shake my head. "I said we're closed. No special hours for runaway fathers unfortunately."

"Funny. You were always a little sarcastic." He comments as I stand there waiting for him to make his move to get out of here. "I just want to talk to really talk to you."

Then I continue to mop because I realize I don't owe him my time. And I won't be staying even an extra five minutes just because of him. "Yeah well I don't want to talk to you. And I have the keys to this place so guess who's decision that is?"

"Come on. I understand why you don't want to talk to me but I haven't really got you alone to talk." He states while standing there on my clean floor. Asshole.

"You mean you haven't found a chance to corner me but this is the perfect opportunity?" I question as I look his way. "I should give you dad of the year award for that one." I breathe out a laugh.

"I'm not cornering you I'm just..." he looks up for a moment then shakes his head. "I'm just trying to figure out a way to get you to listen to me. You've decided you hate me when you hardly even let me speak my side."

"Wrong." I state then I put the mop back in the bucket because if he wants to do this I'll do it but it's not going his way. Fuck that. "I decided I hated you when I was little because you left. It was reasonable, and the more you speak your side the more I hate you. So if you want to die with your kid semi liking you at-least, I'd stop here."

He looks like he doesn't want to do this anymore but he goes on. "Blair. I know you didn't deserve the pain I caused you. And I could sit here and apologize for that all day but what is that going to do? It's already done. It all ready happened." He tells me. "Please just a take seat for even a second...please, I'm begging you."

I watch as he sits at the nearest table, and I stand tense behind the counter for a moment then for some reason I find myself walking to that table before I take a seat across from him. "What?"

He looks surprised that I actually sat but then he clears his throat. "First off I would like to say thank you. And secondly I just want to explain some things." He tells me while I look at the table. "When I left...I understand I should've told y'all more. It wasn't fair to any of us in the situation and y'all didn't deserve a runaway father...and I ju-"

"I don't care about the fucking past, and neither do you." I scoff as I cut him off. "You came here because you're dying and you don't want to go to hell. I'm your redemption and one thing you need to learn about me is that I could care less about your well being. You're dying? Sad day for you, but you're not getting anything from me."

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