Chapter 26*

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Blair's POV

"Oh my god, you have stars in your room." I say as I look up to the green glowing lights on the ceiling while my happiness hides in the dark. "This was my childhood dream."

He stirs besides me, and the arm that's over my waist pulls me into his side which I don't mind at all because he's laying here besides me. Naked may I add. So I don't complain one bit while he tucks me into his side then looks up to my train of site, which would be the ceiling.

"I've had those since I was a kid. I've yet to get rid of them, and some how a lot of them still work." He tells me and I scan over the glowing stars a million times. "Why didn't you have any if you wanted them?"

I shrug. "I didn't want to seem childish. But looking back at it I was just being a, and sorry mini Blair, but a little bitch."

"Mmm, don't bully yourself in these hours of night." He sighs as he puts his head in my neck, and his sleepy voice only makes my body even more alive than before.

I purse my lips, and continue to look up. "I'm bored Hall." I whisper into the silence while I look at the clock to see it's almost midnight so I have no idea why I'm having such a hard time falling asleep.

"Sleep is a good cure for that." He mumbles against my skin.

"No...I need you to talk to me. If people talk to me enough it tires me out." I inform him while I look over, and a second passes before he obeys my wishes and slowly lifts the arm from my waist then reaches to the side and turns on the lamp while I squint my eyes.

"I wanted to see you." He shrugs, and I smile as he lays his head on the pillow next to me on his side then I turn on my side too so that we're facing each-other with only inches of space between us.

"It's almost Christmas you know. I have to go gift shopping for Em and Maya, and...I guess I'll get my family something. I was thinking about just buying them a card or like a pen. And it's still an idea, so if they cross me it won't be a good holiday for them." I explain. "But do you want to go shopping with me?"

"Man gift shopping for cards? Count me in." He tells me sarcastically, and I grin while I wrap his blanket around me a little tighter.

"You'll have a blast. I'll even buy them the one dollar cards if they're nice enough."

He slightly widens his eyes. "Now Blair, that is just too generous. You don't want to give them the wrong idea." He shakes his head.

"Damn, you're right." I sigh quite loudly. "I suppose I should put you in the fifty cent card genre of my gift giving too. Don't want to get your hopes up."

"Not even the seventy-five cents ones?" He furrows his brows slightly, and I grin while my hand comes up to play with his messy hair from laying down for so long.

"Maybe." I whisper before I lean forward and kiss him with a smile on my lips. "I might up the price, only because you're pretty."

He hums against my mouth and pecks my lips a couple more times before I break it by pulling away. "I knew my looks would get me somewhere in life."

I laugh a little while I continue to play with his hair, and I take in this moment. It's been three weeks now since our date, and we've seen each-other everyday since. You know just talking, and laughing, and being with one another. And having sex. That's a plus. But as I lay here in his bed with him, I feel like I never want to leave. Like I never want to go back into a reality where I can't hug him or touch him how I want.

And maybe it's easy to tell people, but not really. I know my brother, and I know that if he found this out, Hayden and I are both dead. Especially since I haven't told Hayden about Rick. But I'm getting to that, and I don't want to tell anyone about us until I tell him about my tumor so I can be sure I'm still what he wants. I mean it's not like I think cancer would make him want me any-less or something because he's not like that, I'm just scared that he'll realize it's to much pain. But I would never put him through pain if I didn't have to.

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