Chapter 49*

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Blair's POV

"Can you believe it's finally happening?" Maya asks as her head rest on my shoulder.

I look up at the ceiling as I intake the white patchy paint from being young, and hanging random things on the ceiling. "No...I feel like just yesterday we were walking into the high- school for the first-time as freshman."

"Mhm, remember when I accidentally walked into the boys bathroom the first day?" Emma chuckles into my other shoulder and I smile as I remember her freaked out face at lunch. "I think I traumatized myself."

"Mhm, and now we're done." Maya whispers while she slightly shakes he head. "We did it."

The thought brings a rush through my veins, but it also makes me slightly sad. I mean, we were kids who had no idea what the world could bring to us, and now were adults who have experienced things that we probably shouldn't have by this age. The thing about all of our lives, is that we've grown up over these years that we haven't even been paying attention to, we've just been having fun. Living. Breathing.

And now we're graduating from the place that we've made our home these last few years.

"I'm not even going to lie, I really didn't think I would graduate." I grin as I shake my head slightly because I've been done with school since like kindergarden, and I thought I'd drop out by now.

"I knew you would. You just needed a little push." Maya assures me. "But one thing I didn't think would happen would be me being valedictorian. That's still crazy to me, I don't really get it."

"You're smart and shit. Plus I don't think you've ever missed a day." Emma says.

I snort. "Lordy knows I sure did."

"We're not even going to begin the discussion of your attendance." Em sighs because she knows it's bad. I was a school skipper before I became the great human I am now.

"That's besides the point. Plus, people like Maya deserve to give the speech, she's going to blow all of ours minds just watch." I say because I totally believe it.

"Aw, B you're making me feel like I have many high expectations to reach." Maya chuckles, and I can basically feel her nerves bouncing off of her considering she has to talk in-front of a whole crowd.

"Just speak from the heart. I know it's full of rainbows and sunshine in there so I'm sure everything will work out just fine." I give her a look because it will. I know her, and everything will always be fine.

She frowns and slightly moves the blond hair that's displayed against my skin. "What if I mess up?"

"Eh, Emma's probably going to fall during her walk." I shrug.

"That's true." Em quips in.

"And I'm walking across, coming off as the teen who got knocked up by accident. We're all a little screwed in the end so it's fine." I blow out a breath then glance at blondie and Em with a grin.

"Oh shush, who cares what people think." Maya shakes her head.

"Repeat that back to yourself when you're worried about giving your speech then." I send her a look before glancing at Emma. "Listen even if she gives a really shitty speech just smile and clap. That's all we gotta do."

"Maybe throw a few 'Go Maya!'s in there too?" Emma shrugs.

"Oh yeah, I bet a few fake tears would work wonders in the situation too."

"I agree." She nods.

Maya clears her throat and we both look towards her complexed expression. "That's not making me feel any better."

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