Chapter 5*

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Blair's POV

I've never really been a sick kid. I mean I can count the number of times I've gotten sick in my life just on my two hands. Having a cold was the worst I was getting I mean I never got the flu, I've never broken a bone, and I've definitely always been able to keep everything down.

I liked it you know. Not being sick because I felt like if I was, I was always going to miss out on something that day. Not to mention it was nice just feeling okay, and healthy all of the time. But as we all know things change when we get older. I didn't used to get sick.

Key word: Used.

So as I sit here kneeling in-front of a toilet in the guest bathroom while my brother sits next to me, saying something, though I can't understand. But while I sit here doing this I can't believe this is me now. I've never even had the flu. I just had a seizure. I just had one right in our kitchen.

I was getting something to eat, and as I was walking back I just stopped in the middle of the kitchen because I felt like I could feel something flip a switch in my brain. I grew confused as I almost felt like I was dreaming from how light I felt, and how unreal everything was. Numbness started in my legs but I could see them jerking before I went down then everything just went black and became nothing.

Absolutely nothing. And when it finally stopped after everyone freaking out, and trying to figure out what to do I began to throw up and choke on it because I was hardly conscious. Maybe I was throwing up because I was sick to my stomach at the thought that this was me now, or maybe the pancakes didn't go down so well.

"It's okay." He assures me as he holds my body up seeing as I feel like I can hardly even hold my own head up it hurts. It hurts so damn bad. I can see my throw up on his shirt from when he was helping me, and I almost grimace at the sight.

I shake my head as I say the first thing that comes to mind. "I'm sorry." I get out, as my bottom lip begins to tremble but that doesn't last long before another wave of sickness comes over me. Hunching over again I hear his shushes like they're a million millions away.

"Don't apologize it going to be alright. I know you don't want to but moms going to take you to the doctor and everything's going to be okay." He tells me, and I almost feel like he's saying that more to himself than me.

Once every single content is out of my stomach I sit back on my knees, and let the rest of the tears I've been holding at bay just fall. "Okay." I whisper even though I don't believe that. I'm not going to be okay in the end.

Just then I hear another pair of footsteps, and I look over to see Maya and Emma with worried faces. I forgot they spent the night. "Hey can you guys help her get in the shower?" Luke questions, and I look down to the sickness that's also on my shirt. "I'm gonna go...clean up."

He said this before getting up, and giving me a kiss on my sweaty forehead with smile that told me he's not okay. He doesn't want to see that he's my brother, and this reminds him that I'm dying.

"Come on Blair." Emma smiles at me, while Maya turns on the shower to the hottest temperature just like I like it.

They help me out of my clothes then they help me step into the shower as Emma stands behind me, and helps me lean on her. Mayas infront of me wiping my body off as I sit there with my eyes closed while the over-looming sadness falls over me. While Emma washes the hair on my aching head I want to run, though while Maya washes the contents of everything else off my chest I was everything to go away.

But when we're done they help me step out, and I notice the bathroom is clean now making me realize I didn't even hear anyone step in. "I'm going to tell your mom you're done." Maya tells me, then she walks out.

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