Chapter 28*

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Hayden's POV

I think I did something wrong.

I'm not exactly sure what I did yet, but I think it has something to do with that night. It's not like I think I scared her away, because a little violence never scared her. But I just don't understand the all the sudden silence. I mean things were great the next morning, I kept apologizing and I checked her head then she hugged me and said she was fine, and that she'd call me later.

But here we are, very much time later and I still haven't gotten a call. Or an answer, which I think worries me even more. And at first I thought something was wrong but then I called Luke and asked if she was home because we had a project we were supposed to be working on for a class, and he told me she was home all day.

Which means she's ignoring me because I also know she doesn't go two seconds without her phone by her side. So when my calls started to go straight to voice mail, worry crept it's way into my veins. Everything was good, we were fine so I just don't understand what I did wrong. I'm really trying to think Rivera.

Or there's always the option that she just realized she doesn't want this. Want me. I mean she acted like she did, and I felt like she did but now the silence has been going on for days. I'm not mad if she did decide this isn't what she wants, I mean it hurts but I could never be mad at her for something that's completely her choice. I just wish she would tell me because everyday I give into her more and more, no matter if her presence is next to me or miles away.

So as I knock on the door of the Rivera residence, I'm not exactly sure if I want Blair to open it or not. Part of me does because I want to know that she's okay, but then another part of me is scared of what she's going to say. I understand this shouldn't scare me because we aren't even labeled as anything, but we are something whether we like it or not.

Although those thoughts free from my body when Luke opens the door, but disappointment still makes its way into my system. "Hey man, I'm glad you could make it."

I smile a little, and nod my head. "Yeah me too. Merry Christmas."

Yeah so that's today. Usually I'd spend this holiday at home with my parents but under these circumstances I can't exactly do that. Not to mention my mom told me I should come to the Rivera's Christmas party, which I'm sure is just a ploy to get me away because she doesn't want me to know that she's seeing my dad. I mean I understand that he's her husband, and that she doesn't know the extent of things but it kind of hurts that she doesn't listen to me when I tell her to stay away from him.

"Merry Christmas." He tells me while he opens the door wider, and I step in before he closes it. "I'm glad you decided to come. So far only my moms family, old people, and a few friends are here so I feel like I might die of boredom."

"Senior citizens are the most fun to hang out with." I inform him while I hold the boxes in my arms close to me.

"Yeah, maybe if they didn't make every conversation about the olden days. I mean I was telling my grandma about my truck just a second ago, and she was telling me how she had to walk everywhere most days or some shit."

"They're trying to make you wise Luke. And don't talk about your nana like that, she's a sweetheart." I tell him with a side glance while he rolls his eyes.

When we walk into the kitchen I see Sarah, and a man talking to Emma's parents while they take a drink. "Hey, honey." Sarah smiles at me.

"Hey Sarah." I grin while I walk closer to them. "How's your day going?"

"Oh, it's been great. I'm glad you could make it...also this is my boyfriend Dan. Dan this is Hayden, Luke's friend." She tells us both while pointing between me and the man besides her.

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