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Hi I'm Yamada Y/N. I've been Mikey's friend since elementary school. No, not friends it's more like ummm.. can't think of a term to describe our relationship. But umm, yeah he once save me from bullies when they're trying to take my lunch and my money. Yeah, that's how we met. Ever since that day, I didn't leave Mikey's side. I was there when they formed the TOKYO MANJI GANG. He's always bragging about TOMAN and how he's going to change the delinquent world something about that. I'm not really paying attention on what he's rumbling, I just stared at him admiring his features.

Fast forward.....

*Middle school*

"Come on Manjiro. Hurry up we're going to be late." i shouted as I pressed the doorbell multiple times. "Y/N, stop that already. I'm here" he said, seconds later the gate open and there he is standing, looking like he just woke up. You noticed his hair. "Before we go, come here I'll tie your hair." I make my way on the stairs before the gate to reach his hair. He's not that tall but he's taller than me. I've been tying Mikey's hair if Draken is not around. "There. Done." I told him before going down the stairs. We walk together to school, by the way I go to a different school. I go to Mizu Middle School.

"Bye Manjiro. Be a good boy okay?" I shout as I waved my hand. On the other hand this boy just walked away, not even looking back at me. Ugh. I quietly walked to my school. I hope I can be friends with someone this time.

I arrived at my school, straight to the announcement board to find my name and to which class I'll be going. Hmm Class 3A. I quickly grab my things and head straight to the classroom. I took a sit at the back corner. "Hi, I'm Tachibana Hinata." I looked at her, eyes widen. I can't believe someone talk to me first. Usually I'm the one who will initiate a conversation. "Yamada Y/N. Hope we can be friends." I said giving her my most genuine smile. "Of course, from now on we're bestfriends." She said clinging to my arms. It felt nice. I pat her head as I smiled at her cuteness.

It's lunch time. I got up fixing my things and took out my bento box and headout to cafeteria with Hina-chan.

To: Manjiro
From: Y/N
Don't forget to eat your lunch. Don't just eat dorayaki or taiyaki okay? Stay safe. 😙

I put back my phone in my pocket. Hina-chan and I just basically talked about our lives. About her delinquent boyfriend, Takemichi. I just listened to her, smiling. Honestly I'm not good at socializing, Mikey and Emma are my only friends ever since. So yeah, I'm kinda awkward around people. Good thing Hina-chan is so nice and doesn't make me feel like a weird person.

The bell rang, meaning the class is over. I put my things back in my bag as I was ready to go home. "Bye, Hina-chan. I'll see you tomorrow." I waved at her. "See you Y/N." She said while giving me a flying kiss. She's so sweet. She's the best.

To: Manjiro
From: Y/N
On my way home.

He's ignoring me again. That dorayaki simp!!

To: Y/N
From: Manjiro
Okay. Take care, Y/N-chan.

I giggled a little while reading Manjiro's text.
My heart's beating so fast. This boy will be the death of me. I tried to ignore my feelings towards Manjiro for a while now but it doesn't seem to be working. I get flustered everytime he does something for me. Just the little things. Like sending me a message. Patting my head. Pinching my cheeks whenever I annoy him. Giving me his last dorayaki. I don't know if I should confess about my feelings, I'm scared. What if he doesn't like me the way I like him? I don't want to ruin our friendship. That's the last thing I want. That's why I decided to bury my feelings. I just want to be here for him. Support him. Make sure he's okay. That's enough for me.

"Tadaima. (I'm home)" I shout as I remove my shoes. Even though I live alone, I don't know. It became a habit. I go straight to my bed to relax or maybe take a nap because it's only 3pm. Ugh I'm so tired. I mumbled as I close my eyes.

I slowly open my eyes trying to adjust to the light. I sit up trying to find my phone to check the time. Hmm, it's 5pm already. 2 hours of nap time, not bad. I got up and head to the kitchen to check if there's something to eat. I open the refrigerator. Okay, there's nothing here. I will just buy onigiri in the convenience store. I grab my wallet and head out.

I roam around the convenience store, trying to find something to eat or something to satisfy my craving. I grab 3 strawberry milk, 2 onigiri and 1 pretz. I pay and ate outside.
I gonna take a little walk before I go home.
As I was walking, I noticed some group of guys I think they were the same age as I am being beaten by some another group of guys. They were bigger and older I think. Without thinking I rush to them and jump between them. "Stop. That's enough." I shout at the big guy. "Huh? Who are you?" He said. "It's none of your business. Leave now or I'll call the cops." I said giving the big guy cold stare. "Tsk. Whatever, it's not like I'm gonna hit a girl. Let's go" he said and their group immediately leave. As soon as they were out of sight, my legs fall from the ground. I was shaking. Scared to death.

"Are you okay?" Said the guy with blond hair, he looks so familiar. "Y-yeah..I'm okay." i said as stand up. "You didn't have to do that. But thank you. I'm Takemichi Hanagaki." Hmm his name sounds familiar. Where do I heard it? "AHHH!! You're Hina-chan's boyfriend!!" I shout. "I'm Yamada Y/N. Hina-chan is my classmate. She talks about you a lot." i said while giving him a small smile. "I'm Akkun" said the boy with red hair. "I'm Takuya." Said the boy with light blond hair. "I'm Makoto." said the boy with slicked black hair. "And I'm Yamagishi" said the boy the glass. I smiled as they introduced themselves. "It's nice to meet you guys. I'm gonna go. Be careful on your way home." as I waved at them. "Bye Yamada-san. Thank you for saving us." Takemichi shouted. I looked back and just nodded at them.

After I got home, I took a quick shower and put on my fav pajamas and throw myself to bed. Should I text Manjiro? Maybe he's busy. But what if he isn't? Okay. I'm just gonna ask him about his day. I took all my courage and start typing. We maybe friends for a long time but as my feelings go deeper and deeper it's kinda hard to talk to him.

To: Manjiro
From: Y/N
Hey Dorayaki. How's your day?

I hit the send button and bury my face on my pillow.
Maybe he's busy with another girls. What? What am I saying? It's not like I'm jealous or something. He's just your friend. Keep that in your mind Y/N.


To: Y/N
From: Manjiro
It's good. You? How's your day? Me and Ken-chin's here at Musashi Shrine. Meeting with some Toman members.
Eat your dinner and go to sleep.

Why am I smiling? It's just a text. A text from your long time crush. My face feels so hot. I'm sure my face looks like a tomato from blushing so hard.

To: Manjiro
From: Y/N
Oh say hi to them for me.
Yes, I'm going to eat and then sleep after because I'm a good girl. 🤗
Be safe always, Manjiro.

I smiled as I head to the kitchen to eat dinner and after that I head to my bedroom and grab my favorite book.

After reading for a while, I felt sleepy and put down the book, turn off the lights. Before I sleep, I text Mikey to say goodnight.

To: Manjiro
From: Y/N
I'm going to sleep. Oyasumi, Manjiro. 😴

I put down my phone on my night stand, and soon I close my eyes.


To: Y/N
From: Manjiro
Goodnight, Y/N! Sweet dreams. 😽

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