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Mikey's POV

"I love you, Manjiro."

"I love you, Manjiro."

"I love you, Manjiro."

"I love you, Manjiro."

Did I hear that right? She said she love me, right? What am I supposed to do now? I mean, I think I love her also. But I don't know how can I show it to her. I mean, this is my first time experiencing this kind feeling. This warm feeling. It's like calmness after the storm. I want to show everyone that I love her. I want to be with her all the time. But also I am afraid for her to get hurt because of me. I might be paranoid but I know I have enemies who want to destroy me. If they knew I love Y/N, they will come after her and I don't want that to her. Sure I can protect her but I know now that there's some situations I can't control. I will never forgive myself if something happens to her because of me... I'll just love her secretly. I can do that right?

Back to Y/N's POV

August 20. It's Mikey's birthday tomorrow.

I'm thinking of what gift should I get for him. I'm also thinking of surprising him. Hmmmmm....

I list down everything I want to do for Mikey.

1. Bake him a cake.
2. Also make some dorayaki -_-
3. Karaoke with Toman higher ups
4. Gift?

I got up and texted everyone, you know so they can help me with the surprise. I created a group chat.

MANJIRO's Birthday Surprise! 🎈🎉 (GC name)

Y/N: Hello guys! So as you guys can tell I am planning to surprise your beloved president for his birthday tomorrow.

Draken: What kind of surprise?

Y/N: I was thinking of renting a karaoke room for us. I'll do everything. You just need to make sure Mikey will come.

Baji: Oh look at that? Our Y/N finally stepping up for Mikey. Count me in. ;)

Y/N: Stop teasing me Baji-san!! 🙄

Chifuyu: I'll come too Y/N-san.

Takemichi: Me too. I'll bring Hina with me. 😁

Y/N: Sounds great. Thanks Takemichi.

Draken: Count me in Y/N-chan. Leave Mikey to us, right Emma?

Emma: Yeah. Anything for you Y/N-chan. 😘

Mitsuya: I'll help too. We're even now my Y/N. 😛

Smiley: Angry and I will come too. ☺️

Y/N: WAAAHHH. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! ❤️❤️❤️ 4pm tomorrow at XXX Karaoke place. See you! 😘

I got up and started to get ready. I will buy everything I need for tomorrow.

I'll spend half of my salary for this, I hope Mikey will be happy.


I just got home and was super tired. I felt my heart is tightening again so I got up and drink my medicine.

After that I continue pumping the balloons, making a banner. I also bought some confetti.

What else? Ummm. Okay everything's done. I'll go to sleep. I need to wake up early.


Ring... ring... ring...

It's my alarm.

It's 7:00 in the morning, i woke up, brush my teeth and head to the kitchen to start my day but first, coffee!!

I started to bake the cake, I decided to just go with Strawberry Shortcake instead of chocolate cake.

After I bake the cake, I cooked some foods for us to eat at the karaoke, snacks like that. And of course the ultimate DORAYAKI.

I looked at the clock and it's already 1pm. I head to the bathroom and I took a bath and started to get ready. I wore a floral dress you know the ones with puff sleeves and a white sneakers. Put on some light makeup. I put my hair in a messy bun revealing my define collarbones. Lastly I put on some perfume. (Bvlgari Amethyst is your perfume just incase.)

I heard a knock on the door, oh it must be them. I asked for Mitsuya, Baji and Chifuyu to help me out carry everything. Mitsuya carried the foods. Baji carried the balloons. Chifuyu carried the banner and the dorayaki while I carried the cake.

Mitsuya's POV

She's so beautiful. This is my first time seeing Y/N like this.
I mean she's so pretty. My heart is beating way too fast just by looking at her.
I really like her but I can't do anything about it. I know Mikey feels the same way.
Mikey is my friend and I know Mikey is the only one who can make her happy.

Baji's POV

Y/N is so beautiful. She's like an angel. Ever since we were a kids, she's often to comfort me whenever I'm feeling sad.
She treated my wounds I got from fighting while scolding me. We even studied together. I like her ever since.
But I know Mikey likes her too and I don't want to get in the way because it's obvious that Y/N likes Mikey also.

Chifuyu's POV

Baji-san is right. Y/N-san is pretty. She looks like an angel. The way her smile brightens up the room.
No, I don't like her in that way. I know Baji-san likes Y/N-san. Even if he doesn't say it. I know from the way he talks about Y/N.
I just wish Baji-san would finally tell her how he feels.

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