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Mitsuya have invited me to go the festival to welcome a new year. This is not a date, we're bringing Mana and Luna, his cute little sisters and I think everyone will be there too including him. You know who.

Aaaahhhh!!! Time really flies when you're having fun. I have to admit, even though this year wasn't my best year, it was a good one. So many happy memories. Although some memories were so bad that I don't want to think about.

I rented a kimono for tonight's event, it was beautiful. Well, of course it was beautiful, Mitsuya was the one who chose it after all.

My day goes as my any normal day would but except at 4pm I start to get ready.

I took a shower, and start to put on the kimono. It was a struggle. I have no idea what the fuck I am doing that I had to search the internet on 'how to put on kimono'.

After 1 hour. Yeah exactly that long, mission success. I had put on my kimono. Next was makeup, as for makeup I decided to go to my usual. What I mean by usual is concealer under my eyes, blush, winged liner, and mascara and lipstick. For hair, I just put my hair in a messy bun, letting a few hair hang in my face and I just put some matching hair accessories with my kimono.


To: Y/N

On our way. I'll wait for you at the entrance. Be careful.


I grab my bag and head out.


Mitsuya's POV

I saw Y/N, and I shocked. She was so beautiful in the kimono I chose. She waved her hand and smiled at me. I felt my heart dropped. God, she is perfect.

"Takachan!!!" she shout as she runs to hug me. She's so warm. "Hi my babies. How are my Mana nd Luna?" She pulled away from the hug and kneel in front of my sisters. Mana and Luna didn't waste any second, they hug her. "We missed you so much big sis." They said in unison.

We went inside, my sisters were in the middle of me and Y/N.

Mitsuya | Mana | Luna | Y/N

I felt a shot in my spine when I heard the old woman whisper in her husband. "What a beautiful family."

The thought of me and Y/N being a family put butterflies in my stomach. If only I had met her first, maybe. Just maybe everything will be different.

We met up with Takemichi and Hina. Of course my sisters doesn't like Takemichi. They called Takemichi 'Dumb-face'. My sisters pulled Y/N away and goes to Hina. They are now having a "girl's talk".


Hina and I catch up. She explained to me what happened on Christmas Eve and I felt guilty from getting pissed off that night. Of course I didn't tell her about what happened to me that night.

We bought EMA. You know the one where you write your wishes and hang at the shrine.

I think hard about my wish. What do I really want?

I wish everyone to be happy.

I smiled as read it. "Takachan show me yours and I'll show you mine" i offered. "Fine. Here" I give me his and I gave him mine.

"I want to be good at fighting next year" I burst into laugh when I read his wish. "What? It's a good wish." He said putting his hands on his waist.

We were interrupted by the shout of Takemichi. We all followed him. "My EMA!!" He shouts. We bump into Chifuyu and Peh yan. Then he runs again because Chifuyu throw his EMA.

Smiley and Mucho joined in. We all followed Takemichi as he chase his EMA. Draken, Emma and Mikey were the last. Mikey gave Takemichi his Ema.

5 seconds until New Year...

4... 3.... 2... 1....

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" We all jump in happiness.

We were exchanging hugs. "Happy New Year my Y/N." Takachan hug me. "Happy New Year Takachan!" I hug him back. We stay there for a few seconds before I pulled away from hug, my eyes met with Manjiro.

Should I talk to him? Should I hug him? It'll be weird if I didn't.

Mikey's POV

My eyes met with Y/N. The entire night, I felt this itchy feeling when I saw Mitsuya and Y/N together. I even heard the old lady whispering about them being a family.

I wanted to take her away from Mitsuya. I should be the one beside her. Yes, I was jealous. So fucking jealous.

She looked so perfect tonight. I know she looks perfect all the time but tonight she looked even more perfect. Is that even possible? Of course. It was Y/N afer all. She was beyond my expectations.

I froze for a while when I saw her walking towards me.

"Happy New Year, Dorayaki." She said and gave me a hug.

God. I missed her hug. Warmest hug I've ever felt. I could hug her 24/7 and never let go.

"Happy New Year, Y/N." I said trying to hold back myself as I remember the promise I made for myself.

Fix myself for Y/N. Be a better man that she deserve.

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