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Hina and I will meet up today. This our first time seeing each other after a loooong time. She's been so busy planning for her wedding in 2 months. Oh and one of the reasons why we'll have a girl's date is because we're gonna buy some clothes for Pah Chin's wedding which in like in 2 days.

I already told Mitsuya that I'm not going to work today. He told me to call him if something is wrong or if I'm having a seizure again.

Having Mitsuya around, felt nice. I'm feel safe around him. It's like he's my guardian angel.


"Long time no see Hinachan!!! I missed you." I shout as soon as I saw Hina and run towards her to hug her.

"Waahh!! Y/N-chan!! I missed you!!" Hina hug me back and we start to jump around while hugging each other.

We first ate at some Chinese restaurant and you know, catch up. We mostly talked about our middle school days.

"Good old days." I sighed.

"Yeah it is." Hina said.

"Anyway, congratulations! You're getting married. I know you and Takemichi are gonna end up together." I said cheerfully.

"Thank you. Takemichi's been good to me." Hina said.

"Well, I'm gonna beat him up if he isn't." I said laughing.

"About Mikey...." Hina was trying to say something but I cut her out. "I don't really want to talk about him." I said.

After we ate, we go to this store where they sell long gowns and dresses. We browse through the store for about 1 hour before we each pick our choices.


Mitsuya's POV

Hina and Y/N were at the mall shopping for Pah Chin's wedding. I'm here at the shop finishing up some works.

"Welcome! How can I help you?" A customer entered. I looked up to see who it was.

"Mikey-kun?" I was shocked. I didn't expect him. After Toman disbanded, he disappeared. The next thing we knew he created another group. BONTEN.

"Why didn't you tell me that you and Y/N kept in touch?" He said sternly.

"What are you talking about? We just accidentally met her at the bar last month." I told him.

A moment of silence...

"What did you do to her? What did you do that made her leave like that?" I ask him in a serious tone.

"I told her to stay away from me. That was my biggest mistake." his voice is cracking... "I regret it everyday. Even now."

"Do you still love her?" I build up all my courage to ask him this. Although I know the answer, a part of me was hoping the opposite.

"I never stopped." He said with his palm in his forehead.

I took a moment of silence to think about what to do. Honestly I know Mikey. I know he couldn't just do that to hurt Y/N. He pushed people away because he thought he just gonna bring everyone down. Just like what he did to TOMAN.

Everyone sure is doing well except for him. He's alone. He thinks he deserve that for what happened. I don't know what to do. I love Y/N. I really do. But I want Mikey to be happy atleast once.

"She still loves you, you know." I swallowed all my pride. I gave Y/N up because I know she'll be happier with Mikey and maybe being with Mikey changes her mind about the surgery. That she'll take the risk to live longer.

"She said that?" Mikey suddenly light up. I miss the old Mikey. I miss my bestfriend.

"She doesn't need to say it. It's obvious." I said patting his shoulder.

"Thank you Mitsuya. I know you like her too. Is that really okay? Do you think she'll accept me again?" He ask.

"Of course I like her. Everyone likes her. Even Baji. So don't thank me and win her heart again..... this is your last chance Mikey. I'll take her away from you, if you dare hurt her again" I said smirking at him. But he just smiled.

Although his appearance changed, I know deep inside he's still that same childish Mikey everyone loved.

"It's Pah Chin's wedding on Monday. You should come. Everyone misses you." I said.

"I would love to but I have an important meeting overseas. Send my regards to them." He said "Thank you again." And he hug me. It was a brother hug okay?

After Mikey left, that was the moment I felt how stupid I am.

I gave up Y/N. The only one I've ever loved.


Okay guys so I know there's a lot of holes in my story but please bare with me. :(
It's my first time writing a story so be gentle with me guys.

Thank you for 4k reads... you guys make my heart so happy. 🥺

I love you guys, stay safe!!! ❤️

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