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3rd person's POV

You closed the door behind you and looked at Mikey. You couldn't explain what took over you but you just want an alone time with him.

Mikey turned on the TV and sat beside you. Both of you were bickering on what to watch but ended up with some random TV show Mikey found interesting.

You're not really paying attention to the show. Your mind wonders about your situation, how anytime your heart might fail. You remember this every time you drink your medicine.

You lift your head up from his shoulder, "Manjiro..." you said almost whispering. He looked at you and raised his eyebrows.

You didn't say anything. You stare at him. Your thoughts are overflowing your mind that you couldn't think straight. You lean closer to him and kiss him..

Shocked by your actions, he pulled away from the kiss. He can wait for you whenever you're ready but you couldn't wait anymore. Your time is fleeting.

You stand up and starts to unwrap your dress leaving you with just underwear. Mikey gulped as he looked at you. This is first time he got nervous when a women undress in front of him.

He's sitting on the edge of the bed and you stand in front of him. His heart is racing just by looking at you. You grab his hand and put it on your waist.

You sit on his lap facing him and you can feel how hard he is. You looked at him and saw how shocked he was but you just smile at him.

"Are you sure?" He softly asked. "I want you now." You told him. Both of you are smiling. God knows how many times both of you have dream about this.

He kiss you softly. It was a passionate kiss. You open your mouth a little to let his tongue own your mouth. His hand slowly travels from your waist to the strap of your bra. He gently removed your bra.

He pulled away from the kiss and looked at your breast. You bit your lower lip when you saw how he stares intensely at you.

He cupped your breast and a soft moan escape from your mouth. He immediately smiled when he heard you.

"Manjiro..." you called out to him as he suck your breast and massage the other one. He's taking his time to pleasure you.

He now lay you down on the bed and slowly kissing you down from your lips, to your neck, your breast, your stomach. He gently pulled down your panty and you quickly crossed your legs. You're not used to it that someone is looking at you like this.

"You don't have to be shy. I love all of you.." he said as he spread your legs. "Oh god.." you moan as he put his two fingers inside of you. You arched your back from the pleasure you're feeling. He did that slowly at first, getting faster and faster his fingers are fucking you.

"Fuck Manjiro!" You yelp when this time, he licks your clit. You grab his hair. Your body keeps moving on its own. You're becoming lightheaded as you feel your whole body tense up.

"I'm coming Manjiro..." you said catching your breath. He didn't stop instead he pulled out his fingers and put his tongue inside on you and that made you cum faster.

He lay down beside you and smiled. It was your time to pleasure him. You kneel between his legs and starts rubbing his boner. "Oh fuck" he whimpered.

You pulled down his boxer and saw his hard length. "Holy shit Y/N. Fuckk.." he moaned as you stroke his dick. The warmth of your hand is overflowing. That is definitely his weakness.

"I want you inside of me." You told him. Your face are both flushed from the moment.

You went to position yourself and Mikey slowy put his dick inside of you. "Oh god Manjiro." you whimper from the pain and pleasure.

The room was filled with your moans and his groans as you keep grinding on top of him.

He hold your waist still and thrust. "Manjiro keep doing like that." You said as he hit your spot. He went faster and faster. "Ohh fuck. Just like that Manjiro...fuck. This is so good." your moan was like a drug to him. It was addicting. He wanted to hear it more.

His thrust was getting faster and deeper. You couldn't hold it anymore. "I'm coming..." you said burying your face on the side of his neck. "Me too.." He replied and you felt his cum explode inside of you. It was the same for him, he felt your cum dripping on his dick.

This was probably the best he had. He wanted it to be passionate. It wasn't just sex. It was full of love.

"I love you Manjiro." You said and a tear fell down. It was a tear of joy with hint of sadness. "I love you so much." He replied and kiss your forehead.

After resting for a while, Mikey clean you up and gave you his shirt. You put it on and smiled. It smells like him.

You both lay down on your bed. His arm is wrapped around you and your head rest on his chest. You liked the sound of his heartbeat.

"I wish we could just stay like this forever." You said. You couldn't help but wish to be with Mikey forever. You don't want to leave him behind again.

"We can if you want too." Mikey replied. He thought about this for a while now "Move in with me." He said.

"Ehh? Are you sure?" You asked. You liked the idea of you living in the same house but you think it was too fast... or not.

"Yes I am. I really want to be with you all the time. I don't think I can live without you anymore." He said as he brush your hair.

"You're gonna see me everyday. What if you get tired or bored with me?" You know it was a childish question but you want to hear his answer.

"That's not gonna happen. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he explained.

You couldn't help but cry. The fact that you're gonna leave him again someday breaks your heart. Just when things are getting better.

"Okay. I'll move in with you" You told him and his eyes suddenly brighten.

"Really? Waahhh. I love you. I love you." He said cheerfully as he showered you with kiss. He's still that baby manjiro from before. The only who stole your heart from the very beginning....

God, can you just remove my disease? Or just even just lengthen my life. I want to be with Manjiro. Give me more time please. Just this one, please grant my wish. I really love him. I don't want to leave him behind again. He will not be able to take it.


Okay. Forgive me if you find this chapter cringey.

This is my first time writing a smut 🙃🙃

Anyways, goodnight. Stay safe guys!!! ❤️

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