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It's been a week since the school started. I can proudly say that I'm doing good. No one's bullying me.
I have friends. Mikey and I are doing good. I mean not in a romantic way but in a friends way? What am I saying? I got up and get ready for school.

"Good morning, Hina-chan!!" I greeted my bestfriend as I wrap myself around her arm. "Good morning, Y/N." she smile back and pat my head. "Cmon, let's go inside. I heard that Mrs. Nakamura will not be here for homeroom so let's go inside and gossip." i giggled while dragging her inside..

"What's the commotion outside?" I said while looking at the student running outside the room. "Let's go find out." Hina-chan grab my wrist and drag me outside.

"Who are they?"

"Is that the Invincible Mikey?"

"That is Toman's President and Vice President."

"Draken and Mikey."

"They're so hot."

"Mikey's mine."

I glanced at the girl who's claiming Mikey. I gave her a cold stare. She flinched and look away from my stare.
Did I scare her off? She deserve that. She's claiming Mikey. He doesn't belong to anyone. Not even me.

I got interrupted when I a slap. I looked where it came from but I was shocked when I saw Hina-chan and Mikey's cheek. I was about to run to them when Takemichi holds Draken shoulder "Let her go" he said to Draken. "What the fuck did you just say?" Draken looks pissed. "Hmm. And here I thought you could be my friend. That's too bad. Well then, how do you wanna die?" Mikey said while staring at Takemichi with his cold, empty eyes. As he was about to punch Takemichi, I run between them and I close my eyes as hard as I could. Ready to be punch by my crush. Are? I slowly open my eyes, focused. I mean I was ready to be punch and there was nothing.. "Y/N? Why are you here?" Mikey said looking confused. "I should be the one asking you that question. Why are you here? You should be in class." I said while crossing my arm. "Yamada-san, who you know Mikey?" Takemichi interrupt. "Yeah, he's my childhood friend. And just call Y/N. Please." i looked at Takemichi who looks shocked. "Yeah, she's my friend and my #1 fan." Mikey said while patting my head. Is he bragging about me? Oh no. Don't get the wrong idea Y/N. He's just your friend. "You wish Dorayaki Simp!!" i said slapping away his hand on my head.

They immediately leave when I told Draken they were interrupting the class. Me, Hina-chan and Takemichi walk them out to the gate. "Bye Hina-chan. You're lucky to have Takemichi." Mikey shouted making Hina-chan blushed. "Oh bye also my #1 fan. I'll call you later!!" he shout as he waved goodbye. What the fuck is wrong with him? First bragging about me? And now he said he's gonna call me later? Wtf!!

I just got home. I'm super tired. My head hurts. But suddenly I remember Mikey's gonna call so as quick as a light my mood changes. I hummed while taking a shower leaving my phone charging. After shower, I quickly put a oversized shirt with just my underwear underneath. I check my phone to see if Mikey message me but none. I head to the kitchen and prepare my dinner. I cooked pork tonkatsu and some mashed potato. I took my phone and place it beside me incase Mikey call or text, I'll be able to answer it right away. I search thru Netflix on my TV, I then decided to watch anime. I love anime. Specifically Bakugou, Kageyama, Megumi, Sasuke, Gojo and many more.

Wow. The fuck is wrong with me? Why am I attracted to the guys whose walking red flag? Oh well, maybe because red is my fav color. I laughed a little while thinking about that.

2 hours have passed. It's already 10pm, you looked at your phone hoping to see Mikey's name on the screen but sadly none. You walked to the kitchen and wash the dishes and head straight to bed.
Sighed. Maybe he forgot to call me. Should I text him? No. I do not text him Y/N. But... i close my eyes as i roll sideways on my bed. Trying to decided if I should call him or not.
Okay. I will not text him if he do not text me. Gonna start playing hard to get now. I promise myself as I pinky promise with my both hands. Knowing too damn well that's not gonna happen.

You see, whenever I play hard to get or if I'm giving him a silent treatment to see if he's gonna comfort me or something it always ends up same. Like for example, I not talking to him and this boy just gonna act cute in front of me, telling me the corniest joke or showing me a bunch of memes and that's it. I will just find myself laughing at him. His my weakness. I just wish he felt the same about me.

After minutes of thinking, I just found myself drifting to dreamland.

Mikey's POV

I just got home and it's already 11pm. I quickly took a shower and head straight to bed when I suddenly remember something. I was supposed to call Y/N. I quickly got up and grabbed my phone to see if she text me. I'm sure she's mad.. but face feels hot when I saw nothing from Y/N. Why is my heart feels heavy? I decided to shake my feelings and prepare to sleep. I didn't bother to text her because I know she's already sleep. And some part of me knows that she can't stay mad at me. She's always ready to forgive me if I did her wrong. She's that kind of person. So selfless.

That's way I don't think I deserve her. She's too good for me.

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