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Mikey's POV

I woke up early. Well to be honest I couldn't sleep last night after what happened. I keep thinking about Y/N. Our relationship. Everything feels surreal, like a dream.

I've dream about this for a long time. That me and Y/N could finally be happy together. I would do anything to keep this happiness. I love her and I will never let her go.

I slowly got up, carefully so I won't wake Y/N up and head to the kitchen. I'm in a very good mood so I planning to make breakfast for everyone. Maybe like pancakes and eggs. It's 5am only so I took my time.

I called one of cook to help me. He's just basically guiding me. Telling me what to do because I have no idea about cooking and I really want to make something for everyone.

After 3 hours of trying, finally... it's done. My hand is covered with cuts and burns but I don't mind. I'm glad to make something for everyone.

I made Y/N a cup of coffee and I prepared her some mix fruits. I prepared the food and put everything on the table. Okay, everything's ready...

I knocked on their door and told them that the breakfast is ready then I head to our room and gently wake Y/N up.

"Hey..." I said softly as I kiss her forehead. She just groaned at me.

"The breakfast is ready. Come on let's eat." I told her as I try to remove the blanket but she suddenly pulled me. I lost balance so I fell beside her.

She chuckled and bury her face on the side my neck. She's getting sneaky but I don't mind as long as it's for me.

"I want cuddles with my Manjiro." She whispered in my ears.

How can I say no to this? This is exactly what I want with her. Staying in bed a bit longer for morning cuddles. Well fine. They can eat without us.

"Here comes Manjiro cuddle!" I said and squeeze her. She laughed as I hug her and showered her with kisses.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I replied and kiss her forehead.

"Don't add too. It kinda sounds like you're just agreeing with me." She said as she crossed her arms and pout.

I got up and cupped her face and says "Okay. Fine. I love you. I love you so much."

She smiled and got up from the bed. She puts on her bra and we went outside. She's still wearing my shirt.

"Oi Mikey, I drink the coffee you made. It's good." Kenchin said.

What the fuc.... okay calm down. It's just a coffee. Don't let him ruin your mood. Inhale. Exhale.

"Go and sit. I'll make us a coffee." I told Y/N... "oh and I cut some fruits for you. There." I add and point the bowl full of fruits.

I now proceed to the coffee area and make us a coffee.

"Am I still dreaming?" Kenchin suddenly spoke. "First, he cooked us breakfast. Second, he's making coffee for someone." He said and everyone laughed.

No. Just don't mind him. He's just teasing you. Remember, no one can ruin your mood. Inhale. Exhale.

"Did something happened last night?" Kenchin ask and I heard Y/N coughing. Maybe she choke on her food.

I immediately went over to Y/N and offered some water and her coffee. Everyone was clearing their throat as if their waiting for our answer.

"It's none of your business, you fuckers." I shout and everyone was whispering. They can tell clearly that something happened.

"Tell me everything later." I heard Mitsuya whispered to Y/N and they both chuckled.

Are they looking down on me now? All of them are teasing me, including Y/N. This is definitely betrayal.

The breakfast went on. It was fun. Well, of course Kenchin didn't stop teasing me. It's a bit irritating but I don't mind. If only Emma was here, I'll be teasing the hell out of him too.

"I'll go out a bit. I have to call someone." I said to Y/N and she just nod the continued her conversation with Hina.

So I stand up and went outside. I took out my phone and dialed someone. Y/N can't hear about this.



I was left with Hina and Mitsuya. I told them about last night. Well I didn't tell them everything, just the important ones like how sweet and caring Mikey is.

I also told them about my current condition and how I feel anxious all the time. I already had 2 seizures in just 3 days. I called Dr. Yamamoto yesterday and he told me to be careful and if ever I got fever or collapse, he advised to go to the hospital right away.

"Please be careful Y/N-chan. I'm really worried about you." Hina said and hugged me and Mitsuya just shake his head. By the looks on their face, I can tell that they're really concern about me.

"I will. Just don't tell anyone. I don't want them to worry specially Mikey. I'm just not ready yet." I told them and they nod.

I excuse myself to find Mikey. I mean it's been a while since he left and I miss him already.

I heard someone talking. I know it's Mikey. I know his voice. I carefully walked behind him to maybe surprise him but I stop. I was the one who got surprised when I heard him say..

"Surprise me when I get back. I know you won't disappoint me. Bye. Take care."

I run quickly to hide. I can't breathe. My chest hurts. It feels so heavy. I was too stunned to cry.

What the fuck was that? I want to ask him but I'm scared. Scared of the answer he's gonna give.

No, I will just ask him. Wait, should I?

My heart starts hurting. The sharp pain I hate the most. Fucking heart problem!!

"Fuck!!" I mumbled to myself as I catch my breath. I couldn't find my medicine.

"Where the fuck is it?!" I yell. I search our room upside down but nothing. I tried to hold back my tears because I know if I cry my condition will worsen but I can't help it.

I hug my knees and cried. I'm hurt, confused and scared. I felt a bit dizzy. I tried slapping myself to keep myself awake and I dialed Hina's number...

"please pick up. Please pick up..." I mumbled.

Before she could answer, everything went black and I felt my consciousness slowly going away..

Am I dying? No. Please. Not yet... I'm not ready...

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