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It's been 3 days since THAT NIGHT. 

You know, the kiss. Mikey and I have been spending a lot of time compared before. I'm not complaining, infact I love our new set up. After school, we'd always hangout at the park or just watch the sunset beside the river then he will drop me off at my workplace.

I honestly didn't think that we'll be like this. Maybe he likes me? No. I don't want to assume anything. I'll be hurt. My heart won't take it. But you know, I can't help think about that day....

Flash back, 1 day after THAT NIGHT.

I woke up and as usual, I'll start my day by going to school.

My day went by fast.. we didn't do much in our class. So either I'm daydreaming about Mikey or just sleeping in class. I don't mind tho, I can just study at home.


From: Manjiro
To: Y/N

Don't go anywhere. Wait for me at the front gate.

Hmmm.. that's weird. But okay.

To: Manjiro
From: Y/N

Okay. I'll be here.

Then I sat at the bench under a tree. I play games on my phone while waiting...

After 15 minutes, Mikey arrived with his CB250T. He pat the sit behind him asking me to ride.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "We're going somewhere." he replied while putting his extra helmet on me. "Huh? Where? I need to be back at 4pm for my work." "We'll be fast." He just looked at his watch and started driving.

Where are we going? Is this a date? What? No. Of course not. But maybe??

10 minutes and we arrived at cemetery.. I looked around try to figure why are we here. And i noticed Mikey walk towards a grave..

Sano Shinichiro? His older brother?

"I been visiting here whenever I feel lost." He said, I didn't say anything. "You're the first girl I brought here beside Emma of course." He laugh a little. A smile formed at me when I hear you're the first girl I brought here... "you know Y/N, there's someone I like." What? Who? Omg is it me? "and I think she likes also." He continued. I was just listening to him. "but I don't think I can make her happy." he add. "I don't think I deserve her. She's too good for me." He stands up and started walking back to his motorcycle. "I think you should tell her you know." i said walking behind him. "Maybe she's thinking the same way you know, you're the INVINCIBLE MIKEY after all." I said. He smiled and said "Then I'll tell you later who she is."

He drop me off at my work and left.

Just who the hell she is? I bet she's pretty. Waaaahhhh. I can't work properly. I'm losing my mind.

It's 9pm and I saw Mikey waiting for me outside. Hmm how the hell does he know what time I'll finish? I thought.

"Hey Manjiro" I greeted him. "I bet you're tired, let's go." Yeah. Super tired. Because of you. I just ride behind him and he put his helmet on me. I hold onto his shoulder to prevent myself from falling. "Put your arms around my waist or you'll fall." I just nodded and do what he says.

We arrived at the front of my apartment. I stood there waiting for him to say something. "Sooo..... I'm gonna go. Good night." i said. As I was about to take a step I heard him. "I think I like you Y/N." He said looking down. "Huh?" I froze.

What did he say? Like me? Why? Since when? Am I dreaming? Yeah I must be dreaming.

I slapped my face to try and see if I'm dreaming or not. "Oww." I touched my cheeks as its start to sting because of the slap.

"I'll go. Goodnight Y/N!" He said and drove away.

What the fuck was that? I wanted him to repeat that he likes me. I mumbled to myself but I can't help but smile wildly.

Waaaahhh!!! He likes me!!!! My long time crush likes me!!! I jump up and down and run towards my apartment.

I look like a crazy woman. But who cares my Manjiro likes me!!!

End of flashback.

I can't stop smiling when I think about THAT DAY. The day Mikey confessed to me. Honestly it feels like I'm dreaming. My heart feels so happy.


To: Y/N

Good morning Y/N-chan!! The fight's today. Moebius vs Toman. I'll go to your place after, is that alright?

-your dorayaki baby 😛

Dorayaki baby? Gosssshhh Manjiro stop flirting with me!!!!

To: My Manjiro

Okay. Good luck. I know Toman will win because they have you. I'll wait for you here. And plsss... You're not my baby!! 🤪


I got up and start cleaning my apartment. I even do laundry. Is this the effect of being like by MANJIRO? Hahahahaha

I looked at the clock, it's already 3pm. I quickly took a shower and start getting ready for Mikey. I just wore shorts and a oversized shirt.

Knock knock...

It's Manjiro.

I quickly open the front door and saw Mikey. I immediately noticed his eyes. They looks empty. You know, when you look someone's eyes you will know if they're happy or sad. But when you look at his eyes, you'll feel nothing.

"What's wrong, Manjiro?" I asked him. He look at me and says "Pah Chin got arrested. He stab Osanai. I couldn't protect him. I created Toman to protect everyone close to me but I couldn't protect him. It's my fault." He's looking at me with his cold, empty eyes.

I immediately hugged him. A tight hug. I didn't know what to say. I just wanna be here for him. "It's not your fault, Manjiro. It's no one's fault." I said while rubbing his back to maybe calm him or something.

We got inside and I told him to just sit and relax at the couch. He do exactly what I said, while I was preparing something to eat.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked him. I waited for him to answer but nothing.. I walked up to him and check if something's wrong but I smiled when I see his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful. His chubby cheeck are the cutest.

I stare at him maybe like 2 minutes, not to sound creepy or whatever. Lol. I just like seeing him like this, you know peaceful.

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