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It's been a few weeks since that night. No signs of Mikey, and that's a good thing. Right? Ugh.

Mitsuya surprisingly kept his promise. He's been with me all the time. He always check on me asking me if I'm okay.

I wish Mitsuya was the one I love instead of Mikey. God, I really mean it.


"Oi Takachan, let me work. I can't just keep sitting here doing nothing while you do all the work. You're paying me, so I have to work." That's me complaining.

"Okay fine. Just check these for me." Mitsuya said while handling me bunch of papers.

"Noted boss." I said and wink at him. He just scoffed and roll his eyes at me. He really hates it when I call him boss.

I looked at the papers Mitsuya handed me, it was the shop's monthly bills, monthly income something like that. I was good at math so this is easy peasy.

I didn't notice the time, and my stomach starts to growling.

"Hehehehe." I looked at Mitsuya holding my stomach.

"Seems you're hungry, come on let's eat." He said grabbing my hand and walked out of the shop.

We ate at some American food, burgers and fries. I forgot how much I love fries. Fries was my life. I can eat it everyday.

"Oh, later I'm gonna have to see my doctor. I told him about the seizure I had so he ask me to come." I told Mitsuya while walking back to the shop.

"Okay, we'll just close the shop early." Mitsuya said.

"No. It's okay, you don't have to come." I said waving my hand sideways.

"I'll go with you." He said this time looking at you with serious face.

I gulped and just nodded because he seems really serious, he kinda looks good when he's like that. Oopss!!!


We closed around 3pm and went straight to the hospital. Dr. Yamamoto did some test like yun MRI and something..

"It looks like your condition got worse." Dr. Yamamoto said while looking at the result.

"What you do mean? Like I'm gonna die worse?" I ask. Mitsuya just sat beside me.

"That's the worst outcome. You should consider the surgery now." Doctor said.

"If I go with the surgery, the chances of me surviving is 50/50, right? So it's the same thing." I said sternly.

"Okay I'm not gonna force you. But you have to take care of yourself. Exercise and healthy diet. If you ever change your mind about the surgery, just call me okay?" Dr. Yamamoto said handing me the prescription.

"Fine. Thank you Dr. Yamamoto." I said rolling my eyes and giggled after.

I'm really thankful for Dr. Yamamoto, he's been good to me. Our bond wasn't like doctor-patient, it was more like father-daughter. When I was staying at Osaka, he could always call me, you know checking on me. He said I kinda remind him of his daughter.

Mitsuya and I walked out of the hospital together. He dropped me off at my house.

"You should consider the surgery Y/N." He said.

"Like I said, I really don't want to risk my remaining life on the surgery. I'm just gonna take care of myself and live my life to the fullest." I said with my hands on my waist.

A long pause before I broke the silence.

"Ne, Takachan." I said with my face facing down. "Thank you for everything you know. For being always there for me since then."

"You're welcome my Y/N. We're best friends right?" He said patting my head.

"Thank you. I mean it." I said and turned my back and starts ro walk fast. I felt guilty, I know Mitsuya like me. I like him too. I really like him, but I'm not sure if I'm feeling this because he's always with me. I don't want to like him half-hearted.

I went straight to shower and head to bed..


From: Unknown Number

You're so perfect. I miss you.

Who the fuck is this? Maybe it's just a prank.

I decided not to reply, and sleep instead.

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