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I looked at the internet, finding some recipe on how to make the best dorayaki. I know it's not much but I think Mikey will cheer up if he saw this dorayaki.

I followed all the instructions and measurements to make sure this will turn out okay.


So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I sang while cooking. Singing has been my hobby since I was a kid. I'm not that good but I'm not that bad either.

I give you my destiny
I'm giving you all of me
I want your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

I stopped singing and smile...


I checked on Mikey to see if he's already awake but he's still sleeping soundly. I waited for him to wake up. I turned on the TV and turn down the volume and some watch the new episode of Boku no Hero Academia.

Waaahhh. Bakugou is so freakin hot!!!! Oppss. Hahahaha

"I'm hugry." I jumped to my sit because of Mikey who suddenly spoke behind me.

"Manjiro!! You scared me. You bakaaa!!" I hit his arm. "Ouch. Stop hitting me. Look it's ouchy." He touched the arm I hit and pout.

He's so cute, i might melt from his cuteness.

I turned around and head to the kitchen to get the dorayaki and put some tiny flags on it.

"Here. I cooked this to cheer you up." I give him and this boy's eyes literally light up. "WAAAHHHH!! Y/N-chan you're the best." He jumped and hug me. "Okay, let go now Manjiro. I can't breathe it's too tight." I said patting his shoulders to let go. You know I didn't actually mind him hugging me. It's just I felt my heart tightened, I guess  it must be from the happiness I'm feeling right now.

We sat and watch Boku no Hero Academia together. I didn't bother asking him if likes anime or what because IT'S BAKUGOU HELLO??

"Waaahh, Bakugou looks so cool and hot." I said, drooling over Bakugou. "Hmmmp. I'm cooler than him you know. And hotter." He said pouting. "Can you stop pouting Manjiro? And don't say that. We both know Bakugou is hotter than you." I like teasing him haha. "Okay fine. Then go to your Bakugou then." He pushed me away from him. "Are you jealous?" I asked while forcing my myself not to laugh. "Of course I am. Because you like that Bakugou guy." He said and turned his back on me.

I cannot believe this man. He's so childish.

"I like you more. You bakaaa!!" i rolled eyes and looked away hiding my tomato face because I'm blushing hard.

He smiled widely and started eating again.

We watched 4 episodes, every time Bakugou comes up, he always cover my eyes saying

he doesn't like the idea of me looking other guys.

Mikey went home after we watched anime.

I went to bed early because I feel like my heart is tightening again.

Is this because of Mikey? I closed my eyes and ignored my own thoughts.

Mikey's POV

I just got home from Y/N's apartment. I went straight to bed. I smiled when I remembered something...

Flashback 6 hours earlier...

I went straight to Y/N's apartment after what happened. Pah Chin got arrested. I felt so mad at myself. I couldn't protect Pah Chin.

I knocked on the door after a few seconds it open revealing the light on my darkness.

"What's wrong, Manjiro?" She asked. I was shocked. How can she tell that something's wrong. It's like she knew me better than myself.

"Pah Chin got arrested. He stab Osanai. I couldn't protect him. I created Toman to protect everyone close to me but I couldn't protect him. It's my fault." I said looking at her.

She immediately run towards me and hug me. It was warm, full of concern, comforting hug. I bury my face in her neck. She smell so nice. I can smell her perfume.

"It's not your fault, Manjiro. It's no one's fault." She said still hugging me and rubbing my back. I felt peace in her arms. Now I know, I love her and I'm so scared to lose her but I'm also scared that what if I hurt her? Not physically but emotionally. I know myself, sometimes I can't control my anger. I will say bad things to everyone who comes to me when I'm mad, trying to push them away from me.

We went inside and she told me to just relax at the couch. I lay down and close my eyes for a while.

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I slowly open my eyes when I heard Y/N. I must have slept. I listened to her singing. I know she's a good singer. She used to sing to me when we were kids. But I often bully her about it. I like teasing her because she's cute when she's mad. Hehehehe ^_^

I give you my destiny
I'm giving you all of me
I want your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back

She stop singing and walk towards me. I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be asleep so she will not get shy about me hearing her sing..

End of flashback...

"I LIKE YOU MORE. You bakaaaa!!!" I smiled whenever I'm thinking about what she said.

I decided to sleep already because I feel like my heart is gonna explode from happiness..

I hope you stay by my side until the end  Y/N.

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