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It's been days since Baji and I talked. I tried calling, texting him. I even waited at the front of his house. What the hell happened?

Chifuyu said I should just let Baji handle this. We both know Baji didn't leave Toman without a reason.

I was riding my bike today but I saw some familiar figure.

"Kazutora?" i was a bit hesitant. The guy looked at me trying to figure out who i am. "Oi it's me Y/N!!" as soon as he heard my name, his eyes brightens. "Wahhh!! It's really you Y/N-chan. I thought I'm dreaming." He hugged me, well of course I hug him back.

We sat at the lark and catch up. I know what happened between him and Mikey. I was really mad at him at first but as the time goes I tried to understand him. I listen to his explanation. I often visit him when he was in juvenile. Me and Baji actually.

We said goodbyes and part ways. He offered to walk me home but I refused. It's because he got a call saying he's needed in their hideout. I don't know.

I just ate a onigiri and went to bed already.


I woke up, prepare my morning coffee and sat down on my couch. I texted everyone but no one replied. Tried calling them, no one answered. That's weird so Mitsuya always answers my call. I tried to shake away the anxieties building up in me.

I tried to watch anime, but I can't get to relax. So I got up, took a shower and leave. I wore a beige button down shirt and black pants and my coat. I decided to just go to Mikey's place or maybe at Baji's to try and talk to him.

I was riding my bike, I heard a noise like some fight near the junkyard. And I being the curious one, I peek thru the entrance and I was shocked when I saw Toman.

I think the fight just ended because they're just standing. Some of them are talking. Then I saw Mikey all bloody. I run towards him.

"What the fuck is going on?!!" I shout at him. He probably didn't hear me because he was looking blanking somewhere else. I followed the direction of where he was looking and I can't believe what I saw.

"BAJI-SAN?!!!" I saw Baji. He's was stabbed twice. He's dying. "HEY. LOOK AT ME BAJI. I'M HERE." I move his face towards me. "OI WAKE UP BAJI." I ligtly slap him at wake him up. Everyone was quite. All I heard was their crying.

"I'm sorry Y/N-chan. Please forgive me." He finally spoke. "It's alright now. I forgive you. Please. Stay awake okay? Don't you dare close your eyes Keisuke!!" I smiled while my tears were falling down on my cheeks.

"You know. I like you Y/N. No, I love you. Ever since we were a kid. Thank you for treating my wounds. Thank you for studying with me. Thank you for making me happy. Thank you for coming into my life. Please live a happy life" he spoke again, this time it was a weak voice. "I LOVE YOU TOO" i hug and kiss his forehead.

I can't breathe from crying so hard. "KEISUKE. COME ON DON'T LEAVE OI. PLEASE. I WILL TREAT YOUR WOUNDS. I WILL STUDY WITH YOU EVERYDAY IF YOU WANT. I WILL EVEN BUY YOU YAKISOBA. PLEASE!!!" I cried as loud as I can. Takemichi was trying to get me because I think the cops are coming.

"NO. I WILL NOT LEAVE KEISUKE HERE. YOU GUYS JUST LEAVE. I WILL STAY WITH HIM." I hug Baji. I can't believe this is happening. I felt my heart is tightening again. I couldn't care less. Maybe I should just die rather feeling this pain.

After they finished their talk, I didn't understand what they were saying because I was too focused on Baji and my breathing. Everyone left except for me, Chifuyu and Kazutora.

Kazutora got arrested. I didn't know what happened but I don't care about it right now. Chifuyu and I will follow the ambulance where Baji is.

Before I could stand up, I felt my body runs colds. My vision were blurry. Next thing I knew, I lost consciousness.


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