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I was thinking of going to Emma's funeral. If I go, I'll definitely see Mikey. I want to see him. I really want, I don't know what to say to him.

After hours of deciding, I went to my bedroom and looked for black clothing.

I need to go there. For Emma. And I need to talk to him. I will make him understand that I will not stay away.

At the funeral...

I saw Mikey kneeling beside his grandfather. I kneel beside Hina. Mikey didn't even look at me.

"I loved Emma.... I am very sorry. I couldn't protect her." Draken and bowing his head to Emma's grandfather. "I see... you'd taken a liking towards her... I'm sure she is resting well." the old man smiled.

It seems everyone can't hold back their tears. Including me. This is the first time I've seen Draken cry.

After the ceremony, I went outside and saw Mikey there. This is my chance to talk to him.

"Hey. How are you holding up?" I sit beside him. "Stay away from me." He said walking away. "Enough with that talk. Just let me be there for you. Whatever you're going through, I'll help you." I said and followed him.

He stop and face me. He is looking at me with his emotionless eyes. "I don't need your help. Just leave me alone."

I felt my heart dropped. I didn't expect it to be like this. This is more painful than I imagined. "PLEASE DONT SAY THAT. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. LET ME HELP YOU." I said, crying again. He went silent. I was getting pissed.

"I don't need your help. Just let me be alone." he said looking away.

"WHY ARE YOU LIKE THAT? WHY WON'T YOU LET ME FUCKING HELP YOU?!!" I snapped. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MANJIRO. PLEASE LET ME THERE FOR YOU. I NEED YOU!!" I was shouting at him, hoping I could somehow reach his heart. I was crying so loud that people around us starting to look.

"I don't need you. I also don't love you. Just leave me alone." He said and walked away.

I want to go after him but I couldn't move. I really felt my heart dropped. I couldn't cry anymore. I just stood there staring at nothingness.

I started to walk, don't really know where I am going. I just want to get out of there. I just kept on walking.


Mikey's POV

That's it. I've said it. I hurt her. I broke her. Maybe this is the fate of everyone's around me. They'll get hurt if they're around me.

This feels like hell. She told me she love me but I told her the opposite of what I am feeling. I love her. I love her so much that I can't let her get dragged into the darkness with me. She should live a happy life with someone who deserves her.

I love you Y/N. I will love you forever. Please live a happy life and forget about me.



As soon as I got home I packed my things and head out.

I've decided to leave this shitty Tokyo. I've swallowed my pride and use the money my parent's sent every month. This is enough to start a new life.

Before I leave, I sent a letter to Hina and Mitsuya. My best friends explaining why I left. Of course I didn't say anything about Mikey. I just told a bunch of lies.

You got your wish granted, Manjiro. I will stay away from you. You will never see me again.


Thank you for 1.2k reads guys. I will try to improve my writing skills.

Do you find this story cringy?

Next chapters will kinda mature and different so I hope you'll like it.
I'll try to update everyday because I want to start a new story.

I'm thinking about Haikyuu X Reader. I've been obsessed with Haikyuu for a while now.

Anyways, love you guys. Thank you again. 🥺🥺

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