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Y/n remind me again why you need to go to school? Maybe it's okay to just drop out and sleep. Ugghh. I'm rumbling again. I don't want to go to school but if I don't, I'm gonna end up jobless and soon homeless. Yeah that's me forcing myself to get up.

I decided to get up for the love of god and start my day.

I arrived at school running late. I sat and took a deep breath. "Are you okay?" Hina asked. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just tired from running." I lied.

Actually it's been a while since I'm experiencing these shortness of breath and feeling so dizzy to the point I can't walk or even stand. I wanted to go the hospital to get myself check but I don't have money and plus I'm a bit scared. I also don't want my parents to worry.

This is probably nothing. I hope...

It's lunch time. I fix my myself and head out to the cafeteria with Hina-chan wrapping her arms around me.


To: Y/N
From: Taka-chan
Hi my Y/N! Can you cover my shift later? Just one hour until I arrived. I'm gonna babysit my sisters. Please? 🥺

To: Taka-chan
From: Y/N
Of course. Say hi to Luna and Mana for me. 🤗

Aaahhhh. It's gonna be a long daaaaayyyy.

As soon as the bell rang, I immediately gather my things and head out to my part-time job. "Bye Hina-chan. Careful on your way home." i said and walked away.

So my shift will be 4pm-9pm. Hmp. You owe me one Taka-chan.

I thought to myself and start grinning. After I arrived, I opened my locker, put my bag inside and start changing clothes.

There's only a few customers here si decided to drink coffee and eat chocolate because I'm sooooo sleepy.

Caffeine plus sweets? I'm sure my energy will be 99%.

Time passed and it's already 8:30pm, Mitsuya arrived and put his bag on his locker and start changing. "Yoo!! Thank you for covering for me. I owe you one." Mitsuya as winked at me. I just smile at him head to the staff room and start changing...

*while changing.....

starts singing Stuck with U- Ariana Grande *sorry for using a new song/english song*

Oooh-oooh-oohh got all this time in hands
Might as well cancel our plans, yeah
I could stay here for a lifetime

I sing while swaying my hands.

So locked the door and throw out the key
Can't fight this no more it's just you and me
And there's nothing I, nothing I, i can do
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you

While sing my heart out, I suddenly hear knocked. I looked and was shocked more like embarrassed. "Taka-chan, what are y-you... doing here?" I asked. Afraid to ask him if he saw my concert. Waaaahhh.

"Just here to say be careful on your way home." He said smiling and walked out. I sighed in relief knowing he didn't witnessed my singing.

"I'm gonna go now Taka-chan. Bye bye!" i said while waving at him.

Mitsuya's POV

I smiled as I remember what i saw at the staff room.


I got up to my seat and head to the staff room to say goodbye to Y/N.

Oooh-oooh-oohh got all this time in hands
Might as well cancel our plans, yeah
I could stay here for a lifetime

I froze with my mouth open. I mean I was so shocked. Y/N singing? And she's good at it. I immediately grab my phone and record her.

So locked the door and throw out the key
Can't fight this no more it's just you and me
And there's nothing I, nothing I, i can do
I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you

I giggled while covering my mouth so she can't hear it. I slightly knocked to catch her attention because my heart is beating so fast and I felt that if I kept watching her,

I might fall deeper.


I arrived at my apartment, put down my things and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. My head hurts so much.

Put on the comfiest pajama I have and lay down to sleep..


I woke up feeling sick. I feel like vomiting. Like someone's stabbing my lower abdomen. I quickly run to the bathroom.

I cried when I noticed some blood on my shorts. I panicked.

What the fuck is this? Did someone stab me? Am I dying? Lord not now please. I still have so many dreams. I cried my eyes out and run to call someone.

Hina's POV

Ring... ring... hmm I wonder why Y/N-chan is me calling this late?

"Hello?" I start to panic when I hear Y/N-chan is crying on the other line. "Why? W-what happened?" i asked her. "B-blood.....t-there's b-blood." she cried loudly. "Okay, just relax. I'm gonna call Emma-chan." i hung up and call Emma-chan

Emma's POV

Ring... ring... ring.. who the fuck is calling me this late? People needs to sleep you know. I groaned and look at my phone. Hina-chan??

"Hello? Why? What happened Hina-chan?" i asked her, I felt something is wrong cause I can hear her heavy breathing. "It's Y/N-chan. She called me crying. Saying there's blood." she starts to panic.

Wait? Blood???!!!

I quickly hung up and run to Mikey who is sleeping soundly while holding his dirty towel.

"Mikey!! Get up. I need you to drive me at Y/N's apartment!!" i shout startling him. "Hmmm. Whhyyyyy? Whaaat happeeened to Y/N?" he said rubbing his eyes. "I don't know exactly what happened but she called Hina-chan crying saying there's blood."

Mikey's POV

"Wait? What did you say? Did you just said there's blood?!!!" I asked Emma making sure I heard it right. "Come on. Let's go! I don't have time to repeat myself." She shout as she run to the gate.

I quickly followed her and start my CB250T. I drove as fast as possible. I felt my heart stop when I heard that something happened to Y/N.

Please be safe Y/N. Please be safe. I can't lose you.

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