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As I as was crying my eyes out from the pain and from being terrified I hear someone's banging on the front door.

I quickly got up not minding the state I'm in. Puffy eyes. Blood on my pajama. My whole body shaking in fear. I opened the door and was shocked by what I saw....

Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Chifuyu, Takemichi, Hina and Emma. Wait what???

Mikey rushed to me and hugged me tightly as I cry louder. "Are you okay? What happened?" he said sofly as he gently rubbing my back to calm me down. "I don't know what happened. I woke up feeling sick. Like someones stabbing my stomach and I-i...i saw b-blood." i said.

"Wait.... Y/N is this your first period?" Emma asked. I looked at her try to process what she said.

Wait? Period? So this is just period? What? How dumb can you be Y/N??

"Umm...i guess??" I quickly pulled out from the hug and bow my head 90 degrees "I'm so sorry for acting so dumb. I didn't know what happened and I started to panic. I'm not thinking straight because of the pain." I said, still bowing.

They all sighed in relief after hearing my explaination. Emma and Hina walked to me while the boys just sit on the couch. "Y/N, do you have any pads or tampons?" Emma asked. I shook my head and starts shaking from the cramps again.

"Hey Mikey, can you buy Y/N-chan some pads and pain reliever. Hina-chan and I will stay with her. And the rest of you can go home" Emma said. "I'm really sorry guys." I once again bow my head as low as possible. "No worries." Baji said. "Take care, Y/N-san" Takemichi said. "You got me worried there my Y/N. Just rest, okay? Goodnight." Mitsuya said as he pat my head. Chifuyu just nodded.

They all left. Leaving me, Mikey, Hina and Emma. "What kind of pad do you need?" i blushed at Mikey's question.

His question so damn straight.

"I'm okay with any kind." I looked away trying to hide my flustered face. "Okay. Just wait here. I'll be fast."

I head to the bathroom and took a hot shower to calm my cramps. As for Hina and Emma, they lay down on my bed and quickly fall asleep.

I heard someone enter, "Manjiro? Is that you?" i asked. "Yeah. Where do I put these?" He asked referring to the pads. "Ummm..can you check Hina-chan and Emma-chan for me? I tried to call them but they didn't answer" i asked again. "Just a sec...they're asleep. Wait, I'll wake them up." Mikey said. "No.. wait!! You don't have to wake them up." I quickly respond to him. "C-can..you j-just get me some clothes?" I said sofly closing my eyes. This is so embarrassing.

I heard the bedroom door opened, "where is it?" Mikey shout. "Just open the cabinet. You'll see some oversized shirt." I told him but I immediately opened the bathroom door and head to the bedroom with my hair in a high bun and just towel wrap around my body. "It's okay. I'll take it from here." I quickly grab the shirt from his arm and shove him outside.

Ahhhh. Thank goodness I was right on time. He didn't see my underwears.

Mikey's POV

I blinked a few times as i try process what happened.

Y/N with just towel covering her body. Her hair in high bun. She's look so hot. What? What am I saying? Why is my heart beating so fast again? Stupid heart!!

I sat on down in the couch trying to calm myself down because my body feels so hot. I breathe in, breathe out.

"Ummm...if you want you can sleep here. It's pretty late and I don't want you drive home. It's dark outside. I mean only if....you want?" Y/N said looking down at her feet. She seem embarrassed to ask.

How can she do that? Earlier she's hot, now she's cute.

I walked to her and pat her head. "Goodnight, my #1 fan." as I pecked her on her cheeks. And quickly lay down on the couch.

I can't control my feelings anymore. Do I deserve her?


What do you think of the story guys? I know. I know some part were cringey but I promised it'll get better. I already have a plot but what do you think? I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Thank you. And yes, I'm a MIKEY's SIMP. 🥺❤️

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