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I woke up the next day from a loud thuds downstairs. I went to see what was that about and I saw the guys fighting over a leftover from last night. They must be hungry because it's already 10 in the morning.

These guys really don't know how to cook so I, of course cooked for them. It's just a pancake, egg and bacon.

"Where's Mikey?" I asked Sanzu.

"Still sleeping upstairs." He replied.

"Don't eat without us." I said and went to Sanzu's room to wake up Mikey.

Ohh, I forgot to ask where was his room. Nevermind, I guess I'll just check all the doors again like last night.

After a few tries, I found it. There I saw Mikey's sleeping figure. I chuckled while looking at him. He's still that baby boy I like.

"Hey, wake up." I said poking him on his shoulder. He just hums at me.

"Mikey, come on. Wake up. Let's eat." I said in a louder voice still poking him. But still, he just hums at me.

"Rindou!! Let's go at my place!!" I shout and turn around from him.

I smiled when I felt his hand grab my wrist. He pulled me and I fell on top of him. He hug me, I couldn't move.

"Stop teasing me Y/N." Mikey said. His voice was so deep and husky. His morning voice is just soooo sexy.

"It's because I woke you up like twice already. You just keep on humming at me." I explained. But he just hums at me again. Now, he's the one teasing me.

"Okay. Let me go now. Let's eat downstairs." I tried to remove his arms around me but he just hugs me tighter. It's not that I'm complaining or what...

"Noo~ let's stay like this just for a few minutes." He groaned. Fuck his voice!!

"They're waiting for us downstairs." I told him.

Finally, he let go. He groaned like a little kid when you take away his favorite toy.

We went down together and we saw the boys laying their heads and the table. They're probably very hungry..

"Finally!!" Koko sighed. Well, they all sighed.

We sat and started to eat. The pancakes were good. I got up and made myself and Mikey a coffee.

I sat down again and give Mikey his coffee. He's smiling widely while everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"I want coffee also." Rindou smiled.

"Me too." Koko chuckled.

"Me three." Sanzu said. He looks serious.

Mikey gave them a death glare and said "Go and make your own damn coffee. Stop treating my Y/N like a slave or something."

"What? Just because you're the boss, you'll get special treatment? That's unfair Mikey." Takeomi opposed.

I hold Mikey's arm telling him to stop. I got up from my sit to make everyone a coffee.

After that, I gave everyone their's and they said 'thank you'.

While everyone is busy eating, I noticed Mikey looks so serious. He's still pissed off about earlier.

"Who says she's treating me special because I'm the boss?" He said sternly. Everyone looked at him nervously including me. "She's treating me like this because I'm her boyfriend you fuckers!" He shouts.

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