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As I stare at the ceiling of my bedrrom, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. It's like someone's stabbed my heart.

I start panicking. I got up from my bed while holding my chest area where it hurts. I looked around to find my medicine. I suddenly remember that I bought it earlier so it must be in the bags in the counter.

I run to where the grocery bag is and search. I start to throw everything away when I couldn't find it.

"Fuck. Where is it??!!" I shout hoping it will magically appear in front of me.

I catch every breath that I take. I am crying right now from the pain and from being terrified. My body starts to shake.

I crawl back to my room and grab my phone. Calling everyone.

Calling Hina... no answer.

Calling Emma... no answer.

Calling Chifuyu.... no answer.

Calling Takemichi... no answer.

Calling Draken... no answer.

Calling Taka-chan... no answer.

Calling Manjiro... no answer.

"WHY THE FUCK IS NO ONE ANSWERING ME?!!!" I shout in frustration.

That's was the moment when I realized that I was really alone from the beginning. This feeling of realizing my reality was worse than the pain in my heart.

I lay down on the floor and slowly close my eyes. I didn't care about the sharp pain in my heart. I didn't care about anything anymore.


I woke up shivering from the coldness of the floor. The sharp pain was gone. I took a breath before standing up.

I turned on the heater and went to kitchen to clean up the mess I did last night.

I check my phone to see if anyone messaged me but nothing.

How dumb can you be Y/N? Stop expecting too much.

I sighed and went to back to sleep.


Woke up around 11am. I got up and I didn't feel like eating so I just prepare myself a cup ramen.

I sat at my couch, and turned on my TV. I rewatch my comfort anime. Naruto.

After 2 episodes, my phone rang...

Taka-chan is calling...

Y/N: Merry Christmas. What do you want?

Mitsuya: Merry Christmas my Y/N. Sorry I didn't answered your call last night.

Y/N: Naah. Don't worry about it. I'm used to it. Now what do want?

Mitsuya: Are you mad my Y/N?

Y/N: of course not. Why would I be mad at you? I told you it's okay.

Mitsuya: Okay if you say so. By the way, thanks for the cookies and cupcakes. Mana and Luna really like it. They only gave me one hahahaha.

Y/N: It's good to hear that they like it. Ummm.. I gotta go.

Mitsuya: Oh okay. Merry Christmas again my Y/N.

I ended the call. I was relieved to know that Mitsuya, somehow cared about me. Well, he always does.

He's got everything. He's kind, caring, sweet and gentleman. But my heart belongs to that person.



Mikey's POV

It's been months since I started ignoring Y/N. I didn't know the exact reason why I ignored her. Yes, I'm stupid, asshole, jerk or whatever. All I know is that I am scared to hurt her. I don't want to see her cry again.

After seeing her cry when Baji died, she was really devastated. I felt guilty, it wasn't my fault but something inside of me was saying otherwise.

I'm living in hell when I started to ignore her. Every conversation we had, I just answered her with no emotion. Every text or call from her, I didn't answer.

My life is at complete darkness. There's a little hint of light and that's Y/N. She's really my miracle.

There were times when I almost gave up. I just want to hug her and never let her go.

But I can't...

Not until I deal with this dark impluse I have. I have to fix myself for her. I need to be a better man for her.

I just hope when the time comes, she's still here waiting for me.

Please wait for me my Y/N.

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