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Mikey's POV

I asked Mitsuya if he can officially become my designer. He's good after all. Well of course he said yes. I kinda asked him also he can bring Y/N whenever he's gonna take my measurements.

"YOU????!!" Y/N shout. She's really different now. "Okay I'm leaving now Takachan." She turned her back but Mitsuya grab her arm.

"He's our client. Don't be so rude." Mitsuya said in a serious tone.

"Rude? Me?" Y/N scoffed.

"Come on, after we take his measurements we're out of here." Mitsuya let go of Y/N.

"Long time no see, Y/N." I act like everything is okay but deep inside me I'm screaming from nervous.

She didn't bother to answer me. She just take out her notepad and starts writing.

"Take his measurements already so we can leave" She said to Mitsuya.

What to do? Is she really that mad? Of course she's mad. After what you did to her.

"Okay boss." Mitsuya salute to Y/N.

So Mitsuya take out his measuring tape and start to measure my body.

Ring ring...

"Oh, it's Hakkai. Y/N take the rest of his measurements. I need to answer this one." Mitsuya said handing Y/N the measuring tape. "I already taught you how to. Please, don't be so rude to our client." He added and then he left the room.

Thank you, Mitsuya. I owe you a lot.

Me and Y/N are the only ones here in the room. Looking at her, I really can't describe her expression. She looks irritated, nervous I think. I don't know.

Well for me, I am so fucking nervous. I don't know what to say to her. Well, I do actually. I have a lot to say to her but I can't bring myself to talk.

Y/N walked to me to take my measurements. Fuckkkk!!! Her touch is so warm. I miss her warmth.

I kept wiggling everytime her hand made contact to my body. I can't help it. It's like her touch gives me this tingling sensation.

"Can you fucking stay still?!" Y/N said almost shouting. I immediately stood still.

"Sorry." I said in a low tone enough for her to hear. She didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry for everything." I said in my normal voice. Hoping that she could say anything but nothing..

I expected this to be hard. Of course, it's not like she's gonna forgive me right away.

I will do everything I can to win her back. Even if I change everything. I lost her once, it will never happen.

"I want you back." I said. She suddenly stop what she's doing.



"I want you back" I froze when I heard what he said.

I know said it before that I still love him and I'm guilty about leaving him alone but everytime I see him, it was all coming back. It's just not all about dumping me, it's was everything.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I finally spoke giving him a cold stare.

"I said, I'm sorry and that I want you back. I was a asshole for doing that to you. Please just give me a second chance." He said. He looked really sincere.

"Fuck this. I'm outta here." I said turning my back at him.

"Wait....." he said but I slammed the door. I can't breathe. I need to get out of there. I run. Fast. Mitsuya saw me so he chased me. We're at the gate when I stop.

"What's wrong Y/N?" Mitsuya asked.

"What is your problem Takashi? You knew what he did to me." I said without looking at him.

"Yes I know. And I know he's sorry too. Just give him a second chance." He said placing his hand at my shoulder.

"No. I can't. You're asking for too much." Tear fell down on my cheeks. "Everytime I looked at him, everything is coming back..." I sob.

"Takachan I'm scared... I don't want to feel that again." I broke down. My whole was trembling. I can't breathe.

"Shhhh... calm down Y/N." Mitsuya said grabbing both my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm scared Takachan.... I'm scared he'll leave me again." I said sobbing in his chest.


Mitsuya's POV

"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and to be loved. So don't be afraid Y/N. Just give him a second chance if he hurt you again, I'll beat his ass. I don't care if he's the invincible mikey." I said trying to cheer Y/N a bit.

"Thank you for trying to cheer me up. I want to go home Takachan." She said forcing herself to smile.

"Okay. Wait for me in the car. I'll just get our things." I said and we walked to the car.

I went inside to get our things and I saw Mikey sitting in his chair with his face down.

"Just give her space. She's still hurting." I said patting his shoulder.

"I want her back Mitsuya. I love her. I didn't stopped loving her." Mikey said. His voice is kinda shaky. Maybe he's trying not cry.

"I know man, just be there for her from now on." I walked out of the room.

I already accepted this yet I am still hurting. It hurts so much.



Mitsuya dropped me off at my house. We didn't talked on our way.

I took a shower and head straight to bed. I was thinking about Mikey. About what happened earlier. I know that's probably the first time I've seen Mikey like that. He look so sincere and honest.

What should I do? Should I give him another chance? I mean yeah I still love him but what if he hurt me again? I can't afford to go through that again.


Hi guys!! Sorry couldn't update yesterday.

I had a night out so yeah I was too drunk to update. 🤣

Anyways, stay safe guys!!! ❤️

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