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Mikey's POV

After my conversation with my interior designer, I went back inside. I saw Mitsuya and Hina rushing to our room. So I followed them.

There I saw Y/N unconsciously laying on the floor. Mitsuya was the first one to reach her so he carried her and went outside.

"We need to bring Y/N to the hospital. Like right now." Mitsuya said almost shouting.

"Why? What is happening to her?" I asked. I don't know what is going on. I'm left in the dark here.

"You'll know there. Please let's hurry." Mitsuya said and I immediately start my car and drive fast to the nearest hospital.

I have a bad feeling about this. My negative thoughts are flooding through my mind. Now is not the time to panic. Focus on the driving.

No... maybe she just collapsed. Or she's just tired. It can't be that bad right? Please. Please be okay Y/N.

We reached the hospital and we went to the emergency room. There Mitsuya explained something I can't understand.

He knew about Y/N condition. Why does he know and I don't? He knew first. She trust him more than me. No, that's not important right now.

The doctors told us to just wait outside. Hina said she'll stay behind at the resort to inform everyone.

Mitsuya and I waited there for about a 30 minutes now and none of us is saying a word. He seems so worried like for real.

"Is she sick?" I asked him.

"Yes." He answered quickly.

"What's her illness?" I asked again because I have no fucking idea.

"Just ask her yourself." He said. I'm kinda pissed off about how I was left in the dark about Y/N condition.

The door opened and we saw the doctor went out.

"How is she?" I stood up from my seat and Mitsuya.

"She's okay now. She'll probably wake up in an hour." The doctor said. He's a bit uneasy...

"What's her condition?" I asked even if I'm scared of the answer.

"Based on her personal doctor, she has cardiomyopathy where the walls of her heart chambers have become stretched, thickened or stiff. This affects her heart's ability to pump blood around the body." He explained.

I didn't understand a thing of what he's saying but I have a feeling that it's serious..

"Her heart can fail anytime. She'll die if that happens." He adds.

I felt my whole world crushing down. I couldn't move or speak. This is too much. Why is this happening? Why?

"How can we save her?" I asked even if my voice breaks.

"We need to remove the affected muscles in her heart. It's a 60-40 chance now but if it's a success, she's gonna live." The doctor said.

"Then perform the surgery now!!" I shout. I don't care how rude I act or sound. I just want Y/N live. I just want that.

"This is Ms. Y/N decision. It all depends on her. For now, just wait for her to wake up." He said and left us.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" I turned my attention to Mitsuya who's all quiet on the side.

"I wanted to tell you but Y/N asked me to keep it a secret." He replied without looking at me.

"How long has it been?" I asked again.

"She knew about it since we're in middle school." He said.

Everything was all coming back to me. How I pushed her away. How I told her that I don't need her help. How much I hurt her. This is my fault. It's all my fault.

"I tried to convince her so many times but she kept on saying that she'll rather spend her remaining time living her best life than to risk of losing it on some 50-50 surgery." Mitsuya explained.

I couldn't say anything. All I could think of is that Y/N was alone bearing all of this on her own. How stupid I can be to push her away.

"Please Mikey. You're the only one who can convince her." He said and I walked away from him.

My whole body keep trembling as I walk. I tried so hard to hold back my tears but I can't anymore.

I fell down on my knees and cry. I don't care on how I looked.

Why is this happening to us? Why does it have to be her? Is this my karma for all the things I've done? Why didn't I noticed that something's wrong with her? If only....

I'm willing to give up everything just not her. Not Y/N. She's my everything. She's my ray of light that saved me from the darkness. Please, not my Y/N.

I got up, fixed myself and went to Y/N's room. I sat beside her and stare at her angelic face. I hold her hand and tears fell down on my cheeks.

"I love you so much. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I pushed you away. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm sorry for not being there for you. Please forgive me.. " tears falling down as I kiss her hand.

I couldn't suppressed my emotions because this is just too much. Just when everything's going right....

Why can't we be happy just for once? Without any problem or anything. Is that too much to ask for? Am I that bad? Am I not allowed to feel any happiness?

I rest my head on the bed with her hand on my face. I felt heavy and tired. I close my eyes and sighed.

I miss her already. I miss talking to her. I miss her laugh. I want to kiss her. I want to express how much I love her.



I woke up from Y/N's warm hand caressing my hair. I got up and immediately pulled her into a hug.

"I miss you too..." she said as she chuckled.

I pulled away and I saw how weak she looked. She smiled weakly and a tear fell down on my cheeks again.

"I'm sorry for worrying you.." she said and wiped my tears.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. She looks away and didn't say anything.

"You think I'll leave you if I knew?" I asked again. This time she looked at me and nod. A tear fell down on her cheeks, now we're both crying.

"I told you I won't leave you no matter what happens right?" I said to her.

She looks at me and cried harder. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Manjiro." She said between sobs.

"Don't cry now. I'm not mad. Shhhh.. I don't want you crying." I said as I calmed her down.

I lay down beside her on the bed and kiss her forehead. She rest her head on my chest and I wrapped my arm around her.

After we both calm down....

"So what now?"

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