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Mikey's POV

The dinner went okay. We announced that Y/N's operation was scheduled for next week. We tried our best to encourage and boost her fighting will.

Then we changed the topic and we all just talked about our middle school days and it was fun even if some parts of it was sad.

We all miss Baji and Emma. We wish they were here with us.

After the dinner, everyone said goodbye and now only the two of us are here.

She walked up to me and hug me. "Thank you for everything, Manjiro. You've been really nice to me." She said almost whispering.

"That's because I love you." I replied and cupped her face with my both hands and kiss her.

At first, it was just a passionate kiss then it turned into a hunger kind of kiss. It's like all the longing and desires were feeling all just came out right now.

She pulled out from the kiss and tried to dragged me. I smiled and I carried her in a bridal style to our room.


3rd person's POV

Mikey opened the door while still carrying you. He now lay you down on the bed.

You got up and kneel in the bed in front of him and whispered "you've been a very very good boy. Now, claim your prize" while stripping your clothes one by one.

"Do whatever you want to me" you said as you removed the last piece of your clothing. Mikey gulped now that you're naked.

You helped him remove his shirt. You traced his chest to his lower abdomen with your warm hands then you tease him by rubbing his hard dick.

But then he suddenly kissed you aggressively. You opened your mouth to let him explore inside your mouth. You gasped when he suddenly bit your tongue then suck it.

His left hand was holding the back of your head to pull you closer and deepen the kiss while his right hand were playing with your breast and nipple.

He pulled away from the kiss to let the both of you breathe and went back at it again. He carried you and sat you down to table.

He pulled out again from the kiss and this time he kneel in front you and spread your legs then he starts to lick your wet pussy.

"Ohhh fuck Manjiro" you moaned as you lay down from the pleasure he's giving you.

He stop and said "Hey keep your eyes on me" which made you get up and looked at him. You saw his eyes were fluttering and his face was so flushed.

"I wanna see your face when you moan my name" he said. You only nod as your answer.

Then he starts to lick again your pussy but this time he put his two fingers inside you which made you shriek. He stroked your pussy fast while licking it.

"Manjiro I'm coming oh fucckk" you scream as your body starts to shiver.

"Cum only when I told you. Hold it" he said in between the lick. You tried your the best to hold it back but then he pulled out his fingers then he put in his tongue inside of you. He flick his tongue inside of you.

"I can't hold it back anymore." You said as you grabbed his hair.

"Cum" as soon as he said that, you let your body release all the pleasure he gave you.

He lick every bit of it and smile when he saw you all red and body still shivering. He wants to do everything to you. There's no more reason to hold back, he can do anything to you.

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