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It's been a while since I started working for Mitsuya. To be honest, I don't feel like I'm working... Mitsuya doesn't let me work. He does all the work while I sit there watching him.

Whenever I tried to like clean the shop, he always stops me saying he already cleaned it. I mean, I really feel guilty here. I get paid while doing nothing.

"Takachan, let's go to the club later. I miss dancing." It's true. I really miss partying. I haven't been to club for weeks.

"I can't. I need to finish this dress." Mitsuya said without looking at me. He's really busy working his ass off while I am here, doing nothing.

"Fine. I'll just go alone or maybe Miyuki will accompany me." No. Miyuki can't come. I only said that because I know, he's gonna go with me if he knows I am going alone. I don't want to bother him.

"Okay. Text me the place so I can pick you up, okay?" He said. "Okay, boss." I giggled. He doesn't want me to call him boss. I like teasing him. He's cute. :P

"You can go now. I'll just finish this and I'll pick you later." Mitsuya said. He's really a green flag. Why did I didn't like him before? The fact that he's always there for me.

I said goodbye to Mitsuya and I kiss his cheeks. I'm really thankful for him. He's my bestest friend.


As soon as I got home, I took a shower and start to get ready. I really miss my night out. I wore a red silk dress and my red stilettos. Put on a light makeup and my favorite red lipstick. I grab my bag and head out.

At the club...

To: Takachan

I'm at the Club Camelot.


After I messaged Mitsuya, I went to the bar area and order 10 shots of tequila. Yes, I miss and love tequila. Hehehe

After doing shots one after another, I felt the tequila kicks off. I am tipsy. My self confidence was raised from 1 to 8. So yeah, I went to the dance floor and start to live my fucking life to the fullest.


Mikey's POV

We're here at the Club Camelot. This fucker Rindou, wanted us to have a good night. But I was bored to death. Every girls I see don't interest me. Sure I fuck sometimes. I am a man with my own needs but that's just it. I just fuck them and dump them after.

She's the only girl who interest me. I'm gonna end up alone, because no one can replace her.

"Fuck!!! This must be destiny." Rindou said while looking at the dance floor. We're here at the VIP at the 2nd floor. "Damn, she looks like an angel but fuck she's so hot!!" Sanzu said nodding while covering his mouth with his hands.

As soon as I heard the 'angel' it kinda reminds me of her. So I got up from my seat and asked them "Where is she?" Sanzu pointed out a girl who really looks familiar.

She was dancing so sexy that the guys gathered around her. They even took turns to dance with her. They were being touchy with her.

She really looks like Y/N, that's why I went down with Rindou and Sanzu to take a good look at her.

Now playing: Show me- Kid Ink feat CB

She's a good dancer. The way she combs her hair, the way she sway her hips, everything about her is so hot.

"It's you!!!" Y/N said when she noticed us.

Fuck, it's really her. Is she still mad at me? Fuck she changed a lot. She looks perfect, but hot at the same time.

"Are you stalking me?" I was so confused when she walked to Rindou.

"This must destiny." Rindou said while grinning.

What the fuck is going on?

"I don't believe in destiny but do you wanna get out of here?" Y/N asked Rindou. Just what the fuck is going on?

"Hey Y/N." I'm not gonna let this happen. After so many years, I've met Y/N again.

"Hmmm? Who are you?" Y/N asked. Guess she doesn't remember me. "Ohhh, you kinda remind of someone." She said again while putting her hands at her chin. "Nevermind." She said again laughing.

"Come on let's dance Rindou." She grabbed Rindou's wrist and head to the dance floor while me and Sanzu just stood there confused about what's happening.

After their dance, Rindou invited her to our table which she accept right away. These two definitely have something.

"You could've text or call me if you wanted to hook up. No need to followed me here." Y/N said to Rindou.

What the fuck did she just said? She and Rindou hooked up? I'm gonna kill this fucker later.

"I tried to call you but it seems that you changed your number." Rindou said while pinching her cheeks. She let out a soft laugh. "Oh, my bad. It's because some guys been blowing up my phone begging me to sleep with them." We all looked at her.

Is she really Y/N?

"Is she really that good?" Sanzu whispered to Rindou. "Yeah, she's really good. She's gonna take you to heaven." Rindou replied.

Y/N and Rindou continued to flirt in front of me. I was starting to get pissed. I know, I'm in no position of being jealous but I can't help it.

All these year, she's the only one I think about. I regretted everything I've done.

"Opps, my bf is here. I gotta go." Y/N said. I felt my stomach twist. So, she have a boyfriend now. "Oooh, that's too bad you have a boyfriend now." Rindou said acting like someone shot his heart.

"Oh no. He's not my boyfriend. Takachan is my bestfriend. I gotta go. Bye. Nice seeing you again Rindou. I saved my number in your phone earlier. Call me okay?" Y/N said and run away from us.

So she and Mitsuya have been in touch. Why didn't he said anything back then when I was breaking down trying to find her??

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