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I woke up in the hospital. I looked around trying to find nurse so I could ask what happened.

"Excuse me miss." i said on the nurse who was about to leave. "Oh, you're awake already Ms Yamada. Here. The guy who was with you said to give this to you when you woke up" she said and hand me a note.

Sorry. I had to leave because of Baji-san.
I'll come back when I'm done with here.
Don't worry. I didn't tell anyone.


I looked up trying to hold back my tears as I remember what happen earlier. I lost Baji. He's one of my bestfriends.

"How are you feeling Ms. Yamada?" My thoughts got interrupted when I hear the doctor spoke. "I'm okay. My heart's a little heavy that's all." I answered. "To be honest, your condition got worse. I'm gonna double up the dose. Try not to stress okay?" I just nod.

I really don't care about my condition right now. I just want to forget about everything. I lay down and close my eyes. Tears were falling from eyes again. I couldn't help but cry from everything's been happening.

Is Mikey alright? I want to see him. I grab my phone and call Mikey.

Calling Mikey.....

1 ring, 2 ring, 3 ring...

No one answered. I tried calling him 3 more times again, but he didn't answer. I need to make sure he's okay so I called Draken.

Calling Draken...

Draken: Oi Y/N-chan.
Y/N: Hi Draken-kun. I was just calling to ask if how's Manjiro.
Draken: He's trying to be okay. Don't worry I'll keep an eye on him.
Y/N: Thank you Draken-kun.

I ended the call. I got up and walk near the window. I didn't notice that I was crying again. The more I tried to hold back my tears, the more I felt my heart tightening. So I cried loudly, to release all my frustrations in life.

Chifuyu saw me crying on the floor, he immediately helped to stand up and hug me trying me calm me down.

"It hurts Chifuyu. It hurts so much. Baji was special to me. He's always there for me. Whenever I'm sad, he always try his best to cheer me up." I said in between sobs. "Why did he leave us? I miss him." I continued.

Chifuyu didn't say anything. He just hug me while rubbing my back to calm me down.


A few weeks after, Mikey and I slowly grew apart. I tried calling him. Texting him. Not one he did respond. I am worried about him. But for now, I will give his space.

I went out, ride my bike and went to Baji's grave. I came here almost everyday. I wouldn't forget his favorite yakisoba.

I just sat there for hours.

"How are you doing Keisuke? I miss you. Why did you leave all of a sudden?" I said in my mind. I look up to sky and tears fell down again.

"I'm gonna miss our study session. I'm gonna miss our movie night with Chifuyu. You always share your yakisoba with us. I will never forget you Baji Keisuke. I hope I made you happy even just a little. I'm okay. I will be okay. I hope in our next life we can be friends again. I love you. You can rest now."

I cried for a while and finally decided to go to Mikey. I wipe my tears and dust off my pants.

I first went to their house but he's not there. Next I went to the place near the river but he's not there either. So I went to Musashi Shrine hoping he's there..

"Manjiro." I called him when I saw him sitting on the stairs staring blankly at the floor.

I poke his shoulder to catch his attention. "What?" He look at me with his cold empty eyes. I gulped. I was so nervous. "Are you okay?" i said gently placing my hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine." He said looking back to where he's looking at earlier. "You know I'm always here if you need someone to talk to." I said. But I was puzzled, no i was startled when he removed my hand abruptly.

"I said I'm fine. Please Y/N. I want to be alone." He said, didn't even bother to look at me.

I got up, ready to leave. I look at him and said "You know, Manjiro, Baji will be sad if he saw you like this. It's not your fault. Always remember that." I quickly left because I can feel my tears building up again.

I went home, took a shower and drink my medicine and sleep. I couldn't cry anymore.

I will not leave you Manjiro.

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