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Mikey's POV

"Let me go asshole." Y/N punching my back. I put her down when we reached my room. "What the fuck is your problem?" She said, eyebrows furrowed.

"Why are you kissing Rindou? Do you like him?" I asked. I'm in no position to asked this but I can't help it.

"Yeah. I like him so please let me go back to him." Y/N turned her back and walk away.

I will kill that motherfucker. Fuck!!!! I followed her, I can't let her go near Rindou.

"My uber will be here in 10 minutes. I'm gonna wait outside. Bye guys!" Y/N said walking towards the door.

What? She's leaving already? I haven't talked to her yet. I have so many things to say to her. I still love her.

"What? You're leaving? I thought you came here so we can fuck." Rindou said shaking his head.


"Oooh, come on Rindou. We both know you aren't that good that I that to take over." She laughed and went outside.

We all gasped in surprise. We can't believe what Y/N said. I know Rindou was good in bed, because I can hear the girls begging him to fuck them.

"Who is she? Is she really that good?" Sanzu punch Rindou lightly on his shoulders.

"Yeah. She's really good. I hate to say this but, I almost beg her when she's riding me." Rindou said putting both of his hand in his face to hide his embarrassment.

They all laughed at Rindou's confession, while I'm here thinking of ways to kill Rindou.

"Can I taste her?" Sanzu asked grinning like a mad man, well he is a mad man. "Good luck on that. You can try, but I'll tell you. She's not an easy one. It will be worth it though when she agrees." Rindou get up and walked away from us.

While Sanzu is laughing from the excitement. I mean, all of them was curious about what Rindou said. I can see in their eyes.

Well of course I will not let that happen. Like hell I'm gonna let these assholes fuck her..



I had to get out of there. As my heart starts to hurt again. It's been a long time since I've felt this. It's because of that fucker!!!

I didn't bring any medicine, so I had to go home fast. I called Miyuki, but she's on her job that's why I call an uber.

I run to my apartment, my heart's getting tighter and tighter and vision starts getting blurry already.

I grab my phone and call Miyuki... ( she mistakenly call Mitsuya instead )


Y/N : miyuki. H-helpp... I.. i c-can't find my m-medicine....

I dropped my phone on the floor.. I was crying. I can't breathe...

"Where the fuck is my medicine?" I said between sobs. "I don't wanna die."

I lay down on the floor hugging my knees. Praying that someone will come me from this hell I'm feeling.


Mitsuya's POV

I drive as soon as I heard Y/N voice. She's crying. Something bad happened to her.

I bust the door open, the house was a mess. I heard a woman crying so I rushed to her finding Y/N laying on the floor.

"Hey, I'm here already. What happened?" I said carrying her to her bed. "Takachan? Why are you here?" She asked catching her breath.

"I think you've mistakenly call me. But I'm here now what do you need?" I said sitting on her bed.

"I can't find my medicines." Her body shakes, as she catch her breath.

What the fuck is going on? What happened to her?

I stared to looked around her room, drawers, cabinet. I looked under the bed and saw the medicine. It must've been fell and rolled out.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I lift her head up and have her drink her medicine. I sat on her bed and she lay down her head in my lap.

"I don't wanna die Takachan." What is she saying? I didn't say anything, I just listened to her.

"My heart is weak. It can give up anytime." What the fuck is she saying?

"I found out about this when we were in middle school that's why I had to work. I couldn't tell you guys. I don't know what to say." She's been suffering alone all this time. What didn't I notice it?

"I thought everything's going well, I didn't have a seizure for a long time. But then I saw him...." I felt a tears fell down on my lap. "He told me to stay away from him... I really tried. Even now I'm trying..." I hold her hand to atleast comfort her, I think I know who is she talking about.

"I thought I moved on but when I saw him, everything came back. Even my seizure came back." She continued. "Why do I still love him? After all the things he did to me. I shouldn't love him anymore." Mikey. What the hell did you say to her?

"I'm sleepy Takachan. Can you just stay with me? Only for this night. I don't want to be alone." She got up and looked at me. I just nodded. I got up to go to the couch to sleep but she grabbed my hand. "Just sleep beside Takachan. Please." I lay down beside her, I couldn't move.

She must have been feeling alone since then. If only I noticed, she wouldn't have been suffering alone.

I felt my heart stop when she hug me from behind. God, how I missed her hug. I turned my face at her and hug her back as I'm caressing her hair.

"Don't leave me Takachan. I don't want to be alone anymore." She said burying her face on my chest. "From now on, I will be here beside you all the time." I said pulling her a little closer.

"I'd love that. I wish I could just takeout Mikey from my heart and put you in that spot." She said. "I'm sorry for rumbling too much." she spoke again and I felt her body relax. Maybe she's fell asleep.

"It's okay my Y/N. I can wait for you."

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