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12 years later....

3rd person's POV

Y/N changed a lot when she left Tokyo. She moved to Osaka where her parents live. She graduated high school there. Her mom died before she graduated.

She received some money from her mom's but that not enough. So after she graduated high school she went back to Tokyo where she looked for a job. Every job she took, the salary was just not enough. Rent, food, her maintenance.

There she met Miyuki, her best friend now. Miyuki works as a stripper. So yeah, that's why Y/N become a stripper.

Not the typical stripper, she will just dance at stage. She worked there for almost a year. Being a stripper helps her a lot. She's distracted from her past. And her salary is a lot. Like she can feed a family with her salary alone. Plus she got a lot of tip from the customers.

The customers loved her. She been requested for many times. She's a great a dancer to be honest.

She saved a lot from working there. She deposit her full salary every month. She only spent the tip she got. It was enough. Y/N and Miyuki shared a apartment.

But she had to leave that job. Their manager was kinda forcing her to sleep with the customers. She didn't liked it. Sure she had some one night stand with guys a bunch of times but they are not customers.

During daytime, she looks for a job. During night time, she party. She's keeping herself distracted. She doesn't like to stay home.

You can say Y/N was a good girl gone bad.



I woke up from a severe hangover. I got up, and drink a cold sterilized milk. This is my cure to any hangover.

I prepared breakfast for me and Miyuki. Just a basic breakfast. Egg, bacon and hotdogs.

"Hey. Wake up. I prepared us a breakfast." I shakes Miyuki, waking her up. "Umm." She mumbled.

We ate and talked a little. We really didn't talk about our lives. But we're besties. We have so many similarities. We like to party. We liked to drink. We don't smoke.

"I'll go to XXX club later. Wanna join?" I asked. "Naaah. As much as I love to, I have a job later." she sighed.

Guess I'm gonna go alone.


I took a bath and started to get ready. I wore a sexy one shouldered black dress with slit on the side. Put on some make up, red lipstick.

 Put on some make up, red lipstick

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I grab my bag and left.

---- at the club....

I sit in the bar area, I ordered 6 shots of tequila and drink it one after another.

"Takemichi, Chifuyu let's sit here." I looked at the direction. I saw some familiar faces. "TAKACHAN!!! FUYU!!!! TAKEMICHI!!" I shout grabbing everyone's attention.

They looked at me, confused. Guess they don't recognize me. Well, of course. I changed since that day.

"It's me Y/N." I said. "What? Is that really you Y/N-chan?" Chifuyu asked. "You looked different. Ummm.. you look hot. Don't tell Hina that!" Takemichi said a blush can be seen at his cheeks. "Hahaha!! You're still the same Takemichi. Don't worry I'm not a snitch." I winked at him. I turned my attention to Mitsuya who still haven't said anything.

"What? Gonna hug me or what?" I said raising my arms to hug him. "Finally!! I missed you Takachan. I miss you guys." Mitsuya hugged me tight. "I've looked everywhere to find you. I miss you. Please don't leave like that again." He bury his face on my neck.

"I miss you too. Don't worry, I won't go anywhere anymore." I pulled out from the hug. We sat at the table. We catch up. Literally talked about our lives.

Mitsuya owns a boutique, he even offered me a job at his shop when I mentioned I'm looking for one. Which obviously, I accept. Chifuyu owns a pet shop, ohh which reminds me Baji. Baji's dream was to open up a pet shop. Takemichi was still the same, he and Hina were engaged now. Draken owns a motorcycle shop. The twins owns a ramen shop. I really love to try that. Pah Chin and Peh Yan manages a real estate business.

I felt happy knowing everyone was doing okay. I didn't bother asking them about that fucking guy. You know who.


Mitsuya's POV

Now Playing : Main Chick - Kid Ink and CB

"Ahhhh!!! I like this song. Come on let's dance." Y/N shout and she grab my wrist and run to the dance floor. I signal Takemichi and Chifuyu to come also.

Good thing, they followed. I can't be alone with Y/N. She changed a lot. She looks different in a good way. She's really hot like Takemichi said.

As she starts to dance, some guys starts to gather around her. Some guy even dance with her, he holds her waist from behind. She didn't even stopped him. They just dance in front of me.

Some part of me wants to punch the guy for touching her. Yes, I am jealous. After all this time, I still have a feelings for her.

"Fuck this!" I said to myself as I grab her from the guy and starts to dance with her. "Woah, didn't know you for a dancer Takachan." She said and turned her back and starts to twerk in front of me.

What the fuck??? Fuck she's so hot. No. This is not right.

I slapped myself to shake off this bad urges.

We went back to our table, as if nothing happened. There I saw Takemichi and Chifuyu smiling widely at me.

So they saw what happened.. Fuck them!!

I raised my middle finger at them and they started laughing. They're enjoying this.

We exited the club and said goodbye. Before we go on our ways, Y/N gave us her new number. That's the reason why I can't contact her.

Thank God I saw her again.

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