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After New Year's eve, everything was back to normal except for Mikey and I. Well, we talked now. We smiled at each other. We're back from the beginning, before the sweetness days.. I am thankful. This is better than when he's ignoring me.

The school's start today, of course I have to go. I checked my emergency pouch to see if I have a spare medicine. After that, I head out to school.

The class ended fast. Everyone was busy telling their friends about their vacation. Hina and I catch up. She tells me about the new motorcycle Mikey gave Takemichi.

I was happy to know that Mikey is doing well. I think he like Takemichi, he always spend time with him. He even gave him a motorcycle. And what about me? What's he giving me? Heartache? No, just kidding. Hehehe

Oh, she mentions also about Mikey firing the Kisaki guy, I don't really know about him. He looks scary to be honest. I didn't bother knowing him.

Well whenever Mikey brings me to Toman's meeting, I noticed him staring at me. I found it kinda creepy to be honest. That's why I never go to their meetings anymore. That's a long time ago, when Mikey and I was still okay.


Mitsuya and I spend a lot of time together because of our workplace. I ride my bike, he rides his motorcycle keeping up with my speed. Almost every night was like this except when Toman have a meeting which is like thrice a week.

I always send Mikey a text message. I don't know, it became my hobby.

To: Manjiro

Don't forget to eat. Be safe.


I put down my phone on my bed and went to take a shower.

I lay down on my bed, stare blankly at the ceiling again. This became my night routine. I overthink before going to sleep.

Baji's death took a toll on me. I'm still not over it and I'm sure Mikey too. That's why I'm giving him his personal space.

It hurts a lot when he's ignoring me. But I can endure it for him. I'm willing to wait for him to open up to me. I can handle pain. I can handle this feeling of being alone as long as in the end, we'll be together.


Mikey's POV

Whenever I'm feeling down, I always go here in the sea side. I admired the calmness of the sea.

"Are you running away to the sea too?" I put out the taiyaki and talked to it. "Yes" the taiyaki said, which was me hehehe. "Blob.. blob... blob.." I mimic the fish sound.

"Hey Taiyaki-kun. How did that end again?" My play got interrupted by a guy with silver hair and has purple eyes. "Who knows? I forgot." I said facing him. "You know, Y/N seems really nice. She even looked like an angel, right Mikey?" He smirked.

Why does he knows Y/N? Something's not right.

"Don't you dare touch her. I'm telling you, I'll kill you if you touch her!!" I stood up ready to punch him. "See you soon, Mikey." He turned his back and left. I just stood there.

What am I going to do? What if something happens to Y/N? I'm not gonna forgive myself if something happens to her. Not Y/N. Not her.

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