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Week after, Mikey still haven't call or text me. Well not that I text or call him either. I'm still sulking about the fact that he ignored me. Okay fine. I am being over dramatic but still.. I won't text him if he doesn't text me!!!

I was running late to school because my alarm didn't work. Waaahhh. I lied. Maybe I pressed snooze more than I should be. >.<

My day went so fast. Maybe because I kept daydreaming about Mikey. Yeah. It's him again. Do I like him that much? That I'm thinking about him when all he does is ignore me. Ugghhhh!!!!!

I walk to my job after school.

My first salary!!! Yohooo!!!

Tomorrow I will to go hospital to get myself check. This feeling of heart tightness is creeping me out.

After I got home, I went to shower and head to bed. I was so tired from work and I still have assignments to do.

Should I text him? What am I going to say him? Why do I always have to make the first move? Manjiro, you bakaaa!! I hate you. I hate you. No, I'm just joking. I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you.

To: Manjiro

Hey! I was just wondering how are you doing? I mean, I haven't heard from you for a while. So I was kinda worried.


What the fuck did I just do? You dumbass. You told yourself earlier that you wouldn't text him if he didn't text you. Dumbass!!!

I bury myself on my pillows. I closed my eyes while waiting for his reply, still under the pillows.


I run to where my cellphone is, and grab it when I heard it chimes.

To: Y/N

Sorry. I was just busy. How are you?


Busy my ass.

I know he isn't busy. Hina always told me that he's been hanging out with Takemichi almost everyday.

To: Manjiro

Oh you know, I'm fine. I'm always fine.
Anyways, glad to hear that you're fine. Goodnight!


As soon as I press the send button, I immediately turn off my phone because I was soooo pissed off.

Who does he think he is? It's not like I'll beg him to talk to me. Manjiro, asshole!!!

I try to sleep my pissed off aways...

I slowly open my eyes and got up. Stretching my arms and letting out yawn. I fixed my bed and head to kitchen to make some coffee. After that one time, you know when I drank coffee at work? Yeah that's it. After that, I always crave for caffeine. Don't care if it's cold or hot as long as it has coffee in it, then I'm happy.

I sat at the couch, put my coffee in the table and turn on the TV. I just watch some new episode of my favorite anime.

I looked at the clock and it's already 10 in the morning. I got up and head to the bathroom. I did my thing there, I won't say what I did, okay? You know it. I took a bath and dress up. Not too casual, not too formal. Just high waisted mom jeans and loose button down shirt, I tucked it in. Some belt and my go to bag.

I head out to my apartment. My appointment was 11 am. I sat in the lobby after I filled up the information sheet.

"Yamada Y/N?" the nurse shout and I raised my right hand like when your teacher's checking the attendance. I walked over to her and followed her to my doctor's office.

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