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Love.. what is love? I asked myself almost every night after my realization.

I was trying to find a reason why I love him. I just couldn't find the right answer, maybe it's true when they say you don't need a reason to love someone, you just do.


I got up from bed to check my phone. I didn't to go to school today, I was feeling sick. I think my symptoms' worsen.

To: Y/N

The results came. You can pick it up now.

-Dr. Yamamoto

I was hesitant to pickup the result. I am scared. From the very start, I have a bad feeling about this..

I got up and start getting ready. I wore sweatpants and white shirt. I drank my medicine to help ease my dizziness.

I head straight to Dr. Yamamoto's office.

After discussing my condition, I bowed and thank him then leave.

I lay down on my bed as soon as I got home.

I stare at the ceiling, trying to figure out what to do with my life.

You have a heart disease...

I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't.. I cry and cry and cry. I'm scared.

What am I gonna do now? I still have so many things I wanna do? What about Manjiro? How am I supposed to tell them? I don't want them to pity me. Why me? Why??!!

I've been crying for about 1 hour now and I'm so tired. I once again cried my self to sleep.

I rub my eyes as I got up from bed. I went to kitchen and make myself some coffee. I sat down on my couch and think.

Dr. Yamamoto said that it's incurable but he also said medicines can prevent complications. So I'll have to work extra to buy my medicines and live a normal life. Should I use my parents money? Nope!! I'm good. I don't need their help. I want to see Manjiro and hug him.

After my morning coffee, I took a shower and leave for school. I grab my phone from my pocket.

To: Manjiro

Ohayo!!!! Get up already or you're gonna be late!!!
I'm gonna be your alarm clock from now on. 😝


I don't care anymore. I'm gonna live my life as if I am gonna die tomorrow. My life is too short.

I greeted everyone I walked passed by. I decided to stay positive about my situation and be happy. Yeah, I know last night I was so negative about this but I realize that there's nothing I can do about it.

As soon I saw Hina, I jump to her and hug her tightly.

"Wahhh!! I missed you Hina-chan. My best girl." I said burying my face on her neck. "I missed you too Y/N-chan!" I pulled out the hug and we start walking to our classroom.

"You seem happy today Y/N. Did something happen?" she asked. I nodded and said "Yeah. I just realized that life is so short. You never know if today is someone's last day." I cling to her arms and continue "You know, I want to spend my time with people I cared about. I want to be there for them." I smiled at her and she just smiled back.

The class went by so fast. For the first time I focused the entire time. I even wrote everything down. I fixed up my things and turned to Hina. I hugged her and said goodbye.

I walked to my job, just like earlier I greeted everyone I passed by. I arrived at my work place. I head straight to the staff room to change. I smiled as soon as I saw Mitsuya.

"TAKACHAN!!!!" I jumped and hug him before he could avoid me. "I miss you too my Y/N." He said pulling out from the hug but I hug him even tighter. "I needed this. You're so warm." I said softly enough for him to hear.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I pulled away from the hug. "Nothing. I just miss you." I said and smile.

I felt guilty for keeping this all to myself. I want to tell them but part of me was scared. Scared they might leave me after knowing this. I mean most people don't want anything to do with sick people.

"I'll drive you home." Takachan said while grabbing his things from his locker. "Oh, no need. Manjiro will pick me up." I said. "You should tell him you like him." he said looking at me. I almost forgot that Mitsuya knows about my feelings for Mikey. But why does he look sad while saying that? "I'm going to tell him. I'm just waiting for the right time." I said.


To: Y/N

I'm here outside. I'll wait for you.


Takachan and I exit the store. I hugged him and said goodbye. I walked to where Manjiro is waiting.

I hug him tightly. I will not get tired of his scent. I stayed there for about 2 minutes and Mikey didn't bother asking me anything. He just hugged me back. It's like we understood each other without saying anything.

We arrived at my place. I invited him inside to rest a bit. We ate dinner together. I prepared us a tonkatsu and miso soup.

I sat down on my couch and start to watch TV. "You can leave if you want. Thank you for driving me home." i said. I turned my back and start watching. I surprised. He sat beside me and he put his left arm on my shoulder. We watched together.

"Hey, it's late. You should go." i said and look at him. I smiled when I saw he's asleep already. I carefully lay him down on the couch and put blanket.

"I love you, Manjiro." I whispered and kiss his forehead.

I go up to my room and decided to sleep too.

I love you, Manjiro.

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