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Mikey's POV

"Oi Lovebirds!!! The table is ready. Come back now!!" Draken shouts from a distance.


Y/N lift her head up and smiled at me. She offered her hand to me and I smiled back at her and took her hand.

"Let's go back." She said. I just nod at her.

After a few steps, Y/N suddenly stop.

"Why? What happened?" I asked her.

"I want a piggyback ride, Manjiro." She said sternly.

I chuckled at her seriousness.. I squat in front of her and she hop on my back. I can feel her heartbeats. I can feel her breath. I can smell her hair. I can hear her giggles.

My heart is beating so fast and loud. Can she hear it? My heart is shouting her name.


"Finally! The lovebirds are here." Kenchin shouts. I gave him a death glare and he just laughed. I know he knows what I'm mad about and he's making fun of me.

Y/N sat beside Mitsuya and of course I sat beside her. I know Mitsuya and Y/N wouldn't do such thing. They're just bestfriends and I'm thankful for Mitsuya for being there for Y/N when I couldn't.

There are beers and snacks. There's music going on. It was just a chill kind of night.

"I'll just go to the bathroom quick." Y/N said standing up.

"Do want me to come with you?" I asked her.

"No. Just stay here. I'll be back fast." She chuckled at me. Well, they all chuckled at me especially Kenchin.

Am I too clingy? Is it wrong if I want to be with her all the time?

I keep myself busy by drinking as I wait for Y/N. I cannot stay still without her near me and it's been 15 minutes...

"I'm just gonna check on Y/N." I told everyone. They all looked at me and laughed, Mitsuya was the only one who didn't.

"I'll check on her for you Mikey-kun.." Hina said. I nod at her and she walked away.

After a while, Y/N and Hina came back with puffy eyes. It kinda looked like they cried.

"What happened? Why are your eyes like that?" I asked them. Am I being paranoid that I can feel like something is wrong?

"Oh we FaceTime Hina's mom. We ended up getting too emotional." Y/N said as she fake laughed. Hina looked at her then she smiled. It was a force smiled.

I ignored my thoughts and offered a sit beside me to Y/N.

"I missed you." I whispered to her ear.

"I was just gone for a about 30 minutes and you missed me already?" Y/N whispered back.

"Yes. I'll miss you even if you're gone for like 5 seconds." I said and smiled widely.

Y/N giggled and brush off my face with her hand. As we giggled at each other, we noticed that everyone was staring at us.

I gave them a 'what the fuck are you looking at?' glare and they all looked away.

We now sat down on the floor and form a circle. Takemichi suggest that we should play a game called Most Likely. Basically the person who has the most vote has to drink.

"I'll start.... who's most likely to get arrested for urinating outside?" Takemichi said and everything pointed at him. "What?!!!!" He yells and we all laughed.

"Who's most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?" Chifuyu asked. We're 13 and the vote was divided. 5 voted Mitsuya, 4 voted Draken, 3 for Chifuyu. I voted for myself.

Everyone looked at me in disbelief. "I'm the Invincible Mikey. I'll kill all the zombie." I said proudly and they just shook their heads. I looked at Y/N and she immediately looked away.

I thought she's my number one fan. This is betrayal.

The game continues and it's Smiley's turn to asked. "Who is most likely to fell asleep during sex?"

Everyone points at Takemichi. "Why am I getting all the bad ones?" He groaned and crossed his arms.

"Who is most likely to be late to their own wedding?" Hina asked. This time, everyone points at me.

I took a shot and shout "I will not be late!!"

"Who is most likely to have a threesome?" Peh Yan asked and Smiley has the most votes. He just laughed as always.

"Who is most likely to join a cult?" Mitsuya asked and Kazutora wins.

"What?? Why?" He scoffed.

"Who is most likely to marry someone they just met?" Angry asked and we all point at Hakkai. His cheeks flushed and drinks quickly.

"Most is most like to get caught of having sex in public?" Pah Chin asked. The vote was divided again. 6 for Smiley and 7 for me.

What the fuck did they think that? Maybe before I met Y/N again, but now? Nope. Not gonna happen unless she wants too... opps just kidding. I respect Y/N so much to do that.

"I'll drink but it doesn't mean that it's true." I explained.

"Who is most likely to remain single forever?" Kazutora asked. Everyone points at Kenchin. We all know this. He didn't say anything and just took a shot.

It's Kenchin's turn "Who is most likely to get married next?" Everyone pointed at us. Y/N and me.

"No!!" I shout and everyone was shocked. "No, it's not that I don't want to marry Y/N, I would really love to marry her. It's just whenever she's ready." I explained.

I looked at Y/N to check if my explanation somehow convince her. She smiled and drink.

"Who is most likey to leave the party early just to cuddle and watch movies?" Y/N asked smiling.

Without a second thought, Y/N drinks and grab my hand. "Let's go." She said.

I smiled widely at her and took a shot too.

Everyone was yelling telling us to come back. I looked back at them and stick my tongue out. Like blehh 🤪.

We reached our room and I put up the sign I made.


Finally!! An alone time with Y/N.


Hope you guys like this chapter. ❤️❤️🤪🤪🤪


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